
Monday, February 26, 2024

Voyage of thought

Staring out the window viewing a elegant sunrise unfold slowly. "How long has it been? Two year's. .. Maybe more" Standing there with his arm's behind his back watching the sky change ever so slightly. A bing sounded before his eyes closed "... Replay" there was another bing as a recording was being played back. "Journal 44/4.o.c. Today will be an event filled day .. Today, we wait the arrival of Kasa. A highly renown scientist and technician. I have read the report's of both her growing talent in engineering which with the adjustment's to our own ship, have helped energy consumption and faster time recovery after light speed... We get to have the.. 'Honor' .. To have her aboard, when testing out the new system that awaits us with her arrival. " as he listened, walked back to a desk and sat down on the edge his tail hanging over the side. "I fear for the safety of the ship and the crew with this newly untested machinery upon my ship I have sent numerous messages announcing my concerns but all that I get back is.. Order's to make sure that she is undisturbed and that she is taken care of... 'Sigh' which basically means she gets whatever whenever she wants on 'My' ship 'sighs' there has been made available a room with her accommodations that she's asked for... Maybe it won't be as bad as I think it will be.. Personally I cannot find any of her record's about herself before her quick rise in the field which concerns me even more.." crossing his arms as he listened thinking to himself "... But that is not my concern from the higher ups.. Her well being and her being made as happy as can be is what is my concern... What has happened to you.. Why is it this way ? Why has my home planet become so ... Mysterious ... How long has it been? Two year's. .. Maybe more." the bing sounded the end of the recording "save.." the bing sounded with a heavy sigh opening up his eyes as he stared back out the window as it illusion of a sunrise changed to a sea of star's. A bell chimed as a voice came over the speaker 'Sir the Chassis is in view sir.. Shall we send word that everything is prepared?" thinking off in his own world before standing back up "Affirmative, send our greetings" he said walking out of his room making his way to the bridge his uniform was that for high end special occasions as if meeting a embassador of another planet or other high end moment's. His ears curved back while his fur was pulled back into a braided ponytail. His left eye had a cybernetic cover over it which allowed him to see the left side, tail swayed behind him arriving to the bridge. He stared out at the ship approaching with several fighter ships in tow protecting the ship.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

The joy of writing

"Start simple,"

"The ball bounced high."

"Good what else happened?"

"The red ball glowed as it bounced high."

"And then?"

"Light spread through the world as the glow of the red ball shown bright upon the sky, for it was bounced upon the floor with a tremendous force denting upon the ground leaving it's form fitting mark deep and firmly into the stiffness that was the cold hard ground."

"You've been in the other drawer, haven't you?"

"Ha, dust thou take me for a fool? I know, when'st I have sailed with the doubled sails of the ocean blue.."

"Mhm, the items are out of the drawer.. You have, had some haven't you?"

"Trickery trickary, but a liar ton am I."

"So what about a glowing ball?"

"Uh.. Hmm don't know, perhaps it is how magic works?"


"Well yeah, to be able to do almost impossible and impossible things.. like that light."

"So you can do magic?"

"Well yeah duh."

"Well we can't"
"Don't say that word.."

"Words have powers.. even when you don't speak or can't you can still use magic. It's inside of you, i'm looking at it and it is scary.."

"Scary good or bad?"

"It is amazing, but you have so much.. what are you waiting for?"

"I ..we don't know how.."

"It's easy"

"here there ya go."

"W-what did you give me? What is this?"

"Hey, whats going on?"

"You're taking this surpisingly well is this really your first time?"

"I don't know... wait whats going on?"

"Well "

"Uh "


"oh dam.."


"Just a lot of dam sponges."

"No rubber duck, sad times are incoming."

Monday, December 18, 2023

Space Slow Chapter 1: Sea's of Mist

"Alright, start recording after this statement." A males voice came out from the middle of the bridge of a large spaceship, pacing back and forth along the bridge. The ship was a cleansing transporter ship, with a bulky body for transporting enough for 2 small shuttle ships inside of the storage dock. A low-class model shuttle ship was anchored inside the storage dock. One being was still upon the ship piloting it, maintaining the ship constantly.

 Currently in slowed stasis with minimal levels of oxygen and fluid's to keep a ship using small amounts of energy to run. The lights were powered down to a dim light in the room, "Captain's log: date-" A small musical tune sounded behind him on the console against the wall. A incoming call was accepted through his helmet as he continued to speak. "No, maybe. Captain's personal journal.. Entry number.." A cough clearing of a throat was heard from the intercom in his helmet, "No.. That doesn't sound right either.. Maybe something less professional. Commander and chief of the.. Hmm need to name my ship don't I?" Another males voices calls out from the screen inside his helmet.

 "Caa-aptaain.." Almost as a whisper. his gloved fingers holding onto the rim of the helmet. "20.. one moment" he said while lifting the helmet up over his head. "Oh ca-aaptaain?!" The voice called again in a alluring tone. "Captain's.. One moment, I'll get to you in a moment." A moment of silence adjusting the helmet upon his head securing the helmet to the suit's neck collar. "Alright.. Captain's log" He said with a cheerful tone. "Get out here. NOW! You got work to do! Mr. Caa-aa-aptain." The voice was much ruder and deeper than before. 

"Yeah... yeah I'm coming." Plugging the suit into the console, on the bridge reclining back in the captains chair as the data was being sent between the suit and the ship. "There you are.. stop playing around and get to work. We got a lot of jobs to do." The voice had materialized onto a screen inside his helmet, a broad shouldered Chipmunk with a left purple cyborg eye that was zooming in on his screen. "Yeah, well one day, I'll have my own ship and you'll have to pay me a whole lot more than you do now." The chipmunk placed his fingertips against the temples of his forehead, shook his head slowly letting out a chuckle. 

"HA HA ha! You get a ship?! When that day comes I'll call you Captain and hell I'll even pay for your energy." Gripping ahold of the captains chair and sat up some his tail slapped the ground in excitement. "You'll pay for the energy, and Of course my wage will be doubled since I'd be my own ship and you'd have to of course you can commission out to you, but I get a forty percent cut in each delivery and decam." The chipmunk laughed softly and waved his paw a bit. "Are you serious right now?" Chuckling with a wide grin on his face as he was holding back laughter. "Of course that also includes any upgrades or updates, I may need to add onto the ship in the future... If you agree to these terms than.. Deal! Save this deal in the memory files cause your a man of your word so.. You will honor this deal?"

He sat up straighter in the captains chair, staring at the chipmunk that was rubbing his chin. A smirk crossed over the chipmunks lips. "Deal.. Now get your dream moving and hop to it! Ships are expensive so best get working double time..." The chipmunk snickered some with a large grin a musical chime played as the deal was done being recorded. The file was sent to the authorities as they confirmed it and sent the file to both parties almost in an instant. "From what I remember you haven't passed your captains certification. Your only maintenance worker certified, and decam authorized thanks to me. Besides YOU becoming a captain after what number is this again I lost count after the first 2,000."

Laughter bellowed in his throat as he continued to speak. ".. 4,753.. times but I will pass!" He grumbled at the screen softly to himself. The chipmunk slammed his arm against the arm of the chair, "That's right I keep forgetting! Besides you haven't passed your navigation certification either! hah and the last crew assigned to the ship they all left within a few days.. the other crews will only work on the same station if your elsewhere on the stations you're suppose to be working on together! So, who will you be bossing around?! NOBODY! Now get to work!" Laughter came from the screen before the call was disconnected. Closing out the video call window, clenching the captains chair holding onto the sides with his fingers gripping the arms of the chair firmly. He was starting to shake. "Right, just need to get a ship can't be a captain without a ship.. After that then getting a crew should be a breeze.. sure I could do everything myself like I have been.. but at least.. it'd be MY SHIP! MINE!" He heard a metal creek as he froze and looked at the arms of the chair. His fingers indented slightly into the frame of the chair, "Whoops.. sorry ship sorry.. ship.. chair.." Quickly letting go of the armrests and gently rubbing the armrests.

"Sorry." He sighed softly leaning his head forward resting it on the console. "I can't even get a ship without that certification.. I can pilot the ship... Any ship, I'm working hard on piloting the ships from other races.. I will pass next time, next time I can do it, I will be able to pilot anything that I will encounter. My ship will always be in good hands." A loud bing came from around his helmet jolting his body a bit sitting up quickly. The helmets A.I. chimed in, Sir, you're posture is slipping. I've took the liberty in repositioning.

His fingers pulsed holding onto the sides of the chair before shaking his head, quickly moving his fingers away. "Yeah.. Thanks, now.. let's just... get to work." The screen in his helmet lit up with a small icon with notifications coming in. Systems marked, online. Please insert your D.I.C. laying back in the seat as his arm began to vibrate while inputting a code touching an invisible screen. "Yeah, yeah. I'm working on it. Hold your parts." Logging into the computers through the visor of his helmet. Identification verified, welcome aboard. What is your destination? Looking at the screen, "Where's that navigation.." Scrolling through the helmets multiple screens, "Ah, here is it. Alright, let's get you out and about. What do ya say?" His tail swayed along the ground slithering a bit here and there, before wrapping around the base of the chair. The work order was accepted and the coordinates were instantly placed into the navigation system.

Destination received, what time would you like to depart? Looking through the screen of the jobs listed taking care of the nearest one. "Now would be." Glancing at the screen for a second. Confirmed leaving now, safe travels. The ship was powered up preset to autopilot taking off from the asteroid in a quick pace. "Goo" Holding onto the seat before calming down as his body was getting used to the speed. "Ooph, I hate it when it does that.. how long till we reach destination?" Rubbing his stomach some, "Shouldn't have had that food before work.." 

message popped up on the screen, Estimated time of arrival 10 minutes. Lifting his head up some before looking back and forth being attached to the ship through his suit. "Only 10 minutes? Well that calls for a trip to the network!" His tail excitedly began to smack into the floor under the chair. Unauthorized usage of network while on duty will count as a citation, which will bring you to 18 citations. Continuation of escalating citations will void user operation of all A through G-class vessels and be restricted to only H-class vessels.

His tail laid upon the ground in defeat. "... Ugh." Tilting his head to the side, "Fine. Never mind, networking this time. I didn't spend all this time climbing ranks to be demoted to a H-class.. continue course, cancel network connection. Begin manual navigation." His body lifting from the captains chair, floating in mid-air with the cables attached to the suit. His body stayed still as he took a deep breath. "Ready." The screens turned off in the helmet before his ship was in view floating in a large wavy black river. Understood, canceling network connection. Autopilot disengaging in 10.. 09.. 08.. 07.. 06.. 05.. 04.. 03.. 02.. 01 disengaging. Good sailing... Captain.

Two hours later

"So... four listed jobs in the whole station, right? That's not bad only four sounds, like a breeze." A chiming sound came from the intercom in his helmet. Correct, only two were listed at the beginning of departure from the main station. The most recent listings were added when we arrived while parking in the dock bay. Adjusting the helmet against the suit that covered the entire body "Ah, alright. We should do the first two. Since they were the reason. We're even here.Understood, hailing the first contact for details. Walking out of the bridge of the ship, down a long hallway before turning into a storage room, gathering some equipment for the coming work orders. Placing on his side a extra attachment for his suit. "Always good to be prepared." Walking back out of the storage room, down another hallway making his way to the exit.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023


A star lite sky blooms out with stars shinning glissading in the sky. Soft transparent clouds slowly strolling by dimming the light slighting for a moment before reappearing again as the clouds past by. A cool breeze swept along the ground, the first sign of winter's nearing. A old pair of old skeletal hooves shuttered slightly at the breeze as it swept by. "AACHOOO! followed by a cough with a harsh voice coming from a old unicorn skull. "Ugh.. I can feel it coming in my bones." A skeletal unicorn, ash colored long mane and tail still holding onto it it's skeletal body. Standing under a old willow tree, giving shade from the rays of light as the sun was raising in the distance. "Thank you, Miss.. Perhaps, another time.." He spoke to the tree before slowly making his way out from under the willow tree and into the meadow that surrounded the willow tree. The tail and mane blew slightly in the wind making a more ghostly unicorn with a green lit aura surrounded him, as the moons light touched his body. Where perhaps a cutie mark would be has been long since gone. Making his way alone in the forest not sticking to the cleared paths. The Willow tree blew a kiss with its leaves at the Unicorn, as the wind blew the leaves up in his direction.

The skeletal body like a mist blew along the forest floor. In a slow trot his body was speeding through the forest. Mist came up from the ground as he touched it with his hooves. His mane and tail swaying swaying contently behind him, barely jumping over another as mist blew from one side to the other in a instant. "Pardon me.." He said, but all the other did was shutter at the cold chill running through their body. He couldn't slow down to apologies properly, making his way through the forest it was a lovely day for him. Only to stop at a large ray of light shining from above. Staring at it curiously, before slowly walking through the light as he held his breath his legs shook. "Nothing, will stop today.." Shuttering before jumping to the other side of the ray of light gasping as his body was smoking with a very faint color of a mane and tail. Looking down at his body for a moment confused, but continued his way through the forest. His body was back to normal with it's skeletal appearance, slowing a bit down from his confused mind.

Looking at the ray of light for a moment while speeding through the forest with a more hastened pace. His hooves floating up into the treeline's and above lakes and streams.

Friday, November 17, 2023


 dances around self destructing, rhythming with the time he has to write marking words and spilling venom all along a silvered tongue lying through teeth so sharp his mind racing with a pace of ectasia. Stopping only to breath and let it all go with a exhale of smoke dense as fog passing through and swaying in the air dancing along to the melody of what one could call music. you get what you deserve, you reap what you've sewn. One day maybe not today or tomorrow what you do with your seed (your life) will it grow and flourish or will it wither away? but what happens when you don't plant but keep the seed. the seed rots away and your chances disappear. Once you start something, why don't you keep up with it? Does it bother you? Once you start finish, then go to the next spot to plant, or take some time and recover if the first plant you set in was too hard. Like planting a seed, you must make sure it is the right time of year or season.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Bags and whistles Chapter 6

"You actually got to be a hero like you've always wanted, but you were amazing as a villian. You were the second top ranked villian.. Number one in your own league haha.." spitting out some water from his mouth as he talked ,  "You never did tell me why you never went for the first spot.. you could have been number one of all time. But.. it looks like you made it to the top without me. I'd say you have out shined the heroes this time, number one in my books." Tep looked at the sign moving to his side facing it before wiggling his arms around the base of the sign. 

Water began pouring out of his back, a paw became a fist, flailing his arms at the sign. Stopping for a moment before slowly laying his arms down moving back onto his back next to the sign. "I just remembered something funny.." Teps head turned looking at the sign "Remember, the first time we met? You.." Skuleth began walking over leaving deep paw imprints pressed against the muddy ground, filling with rain. Walking over his paws imprinting in the mud, as he chirped with a high pitched squeal. Tep jumped a bit, turning his head noticing the bird, quickly getting to his feet.

 "Wh-what do you want?!" Tep glared at the bird, Skuleth walked slowly straight towards him. Tep stood in the same spot before stepping away from the sign. "You know for something, I could rip apart without even using any kind of energy on you.. You have a name that isn't yours!" Tep was glaring at Skuleth, stepping a bit further away from the sign. "You know what? I don't see you fit to even keep your own feathers on your body.. You will probably die in your sleep the way you take care of yourself! You should be ashamed of yourself! You are just a copycat! A NOBODY! There is no original about you! You'll amount to anything like, SKULETH!! YOU IMPOSTOR!" Skuleth was casually walking over to him before standing in front of him. Without hesitation Skuleth lifted his head some stopping to look down at Tep. In a instant Skuleth whipping his head down smacking Tep in the head. Headbutting him firmly sending Tep smacking into the ground making an teddy bear indent in the mud. Tep stood his ground as if he couldn't get hurt, Tep had soon found himself a few inches into the mud, his body being stuck in the mud.

His legs and arms shook from the impact into the mud, Skuleth huffed. He circled around Tep's body for a moment before sitting down next to him, still in the mud trying to get unstuck. Skuleth arched his wing out Tep covering him from the rain, crouched down on all fours Tep pulled three times before finally pulling his head out from the ground. Tep shook his head some scrapping all the mud off his face. His vision was blurred from the impact looking around as colors and shapes were slowly coming back into focus. Looking up at Skuleth for a bit, pushing himself back up onto his feet. Standing once again staggering around before falling onto his fluff in the mud. "Okay.. maybe you can.. hold your own." Looking up at Skuleth watching the water splash along his feathers. "I guess.. you're off the hook this time. But I'm not calling you by that name so best we just call things even how about it? For now." Skuleth didn't look down at him before a few rain drops touched his beak, making him look up slightly.

Shaking the raindrops that were stuck in his feathers away, his wing still arched over Tep shielding him from the rain. Tep kept watching the strange bird shielding him from the rain, "Skuleth?.. Oh have you found Mr. Tep and you're shielding him from the rain.. How thoughtful Skuleth, He never warms up to outsiders so quickly." The village elder said while walking in the rain with a feathered hooded coat made up of Skuleth's feathers. Her face was glowing with joy, but of sorrow as she had recently found out Skuleth was the other one Tep was looking for. "Mr. Tep.. I heard, my apologize. we.. if we would have known we would have told you from the start.."

The elder had a black and white muzzle with red and brown highlights in fur. Her fur was cut short but keeping the hair on her head between her ears long. Her soft hazel eyes looked down into Tep's button eyes. "Please forgive us." She would slowly kneel bowing down to Tep, Tep's eyes went wide seeing her bowing to him. Jumping back up and staggered a bit before catching himself touching her shoulder, "I forgive you but this is not your fault.. it's" Lowering his head some rubbing her shoulder some, "It's not your fault at all." He said stepping away from her with his feet scooting in the mud. "It's my fault.. I sent him here."

Her head lifted some hearing Tep confess to her, he was the one to blame her tail slowly started to straighten. "..You? Sent him here?" Her voice was shaken, Tep froze as he had just turned his back to her. His head lowered some before taking a deep breath. 'I deserve this.. this.. this shall be my punishment' holding his head high before turning back around to her. "Yes... I am the one who.. sent him here.. I sent him to his death." A heavy paw grabbed ahold of Tep it was the elders paw. "Why? Why did you send him here?" Tep froze feeling the power she was holding back from her paws. Her claws eagerly kneading against him. 'How powerful is this place?! Not only the stupid bird but.. She, oh god what the hell is this place? Skuleth, how did you survive for so long?! who? which one of these.' He was snapped back into the situation noticing the elders tears rolling down her face. "WHY?! TELL MEE!! OPEN YOUR EARS! CAN YOU HEAR ME WWWHHHYY?! WHY DID YOU SEND HIM HERE?!" Her paws gripping both his shoulders shaking him every so often.

"I.." Tep's mouth opened as words were lost to him as he tried to speak. Picking him up as her arms were shaking as every muscle in her body was getting tense as the look in her eyes were was sorrow was now, something much darker "Tell me, why?! Please..." Her claws digging into his shoulders slightly as Tep flinched a bit but kept his head held high, "Tell me why? Why did you send him here? Tell me.. why did one of my baby's had to die?" She began thrashing him back and forth, shaking him violently in the air she had a fire in her eyes. "He should be in your world! If my baby isn't back home. Where is he?!" She slammed Tep back into the mud as he fell right next to his other imprint having his full body submerged into the ground.

"WHERE!?" She demanded towering over him, gripping his back and pulled him from the mud. Her body felt like it was on fire with rage and sorrow. "Why did you send him here, why isn't he back home in your world?! You're suppose to be one of his friends right so how long has he been gone and where was the last place you seen him! THAT'S JUST COMMON SENSE!" She continued yelling at him before blowing out smoke from her nose from the chill in the night air as she growled waiting for a reply for any of her many questions. "Wow! I guess you do like being manhandled by a women." Jane said while standing in the rain her wings covering her head from the rain. She held the bag as it hung over her shoulder Tep lifted up his arm some flipped Jane off, the elder kept her eyes on Tep before tossing him to the ground.

"I believe, I can answer your questions Ma'am." The elder stood up showing her full height towering over them both with the mark of death in her eyes. "And you are?" Jane's eyes went wide and began looking away some a little more nervous now. "Oh uh... I am the princess of Hell realm of the 15th order hailing by king Mus. Jane Mus it's a pleasure in finally meeting Skuleths mother." Jane gulped a bit as she looking around at the mud, slightly lowering herself in a bow. Looking at the mud unfondly, a bit of mud splattered against her leg from a mud ball that went almost near her other leg. "LILLION! STOP IT!" Jane yelled running and stumbling around trying to dodge the mud balls. Lillion cackled grabbing mud and throwing it at Jane. Lillion came running over to see the elder with a bright smile on her face. She had grown a bit older although she was still full of energy.

"Are you really burn nuggets momma?!" Lillion looked up as she smiled happily, the elder looked over at Lillion and smiled happily. Lowering herself down some as the look in her eyes changed back to a soft brown. "Oh yes, yes. I am sweetie.. You can call me, Mama Cece.. You know, my little baby?" Lillion nodded looking at the mud kicking, sliding around on the surface of the mud. "Yup! Lillion stopped suddenly looking at Skuleth sitting in the mud as he turned his head to look at her. "Giant Chicken Nuggie." Skuleth watched her as she moved his head would following as if tracking her every move. Lillion laughing happily playing around in the mud. "Friends." Rain walked with a umbrella over her head. "Lillion you were suppose to stay with Tiger..." Lillion smirked a bit and cackled laying on top of Skuleth before jumping off and played in the mud with Mama Cece. "I don't know she said something about finishing up her upgrading before she came." Lillion said making a small mud pile, Jane was trying to clean off her leg. "Ugh.. a princess of hell should not be getting muddy in a place like this.."

Rain walked towards Lillion passing by Jane, "Didn't Sir. Ludo saying something about mud bathing. But if you can't get past that how will you bath with him.. Hmmm?" Jane's face went purple as her hair caught fire turning from a warm red to a pinkish purple. "W-w-where did you hear that? What? N-no.. I-I I mean he would.. mud?" Jane staring at the mud, envisioning Ludo in a mud bath. Her hands covered her face to hide her blushing. Her flame quickly left as she froze for a moment, slowly pulling her hands away from her face her hands had been covered in mud as she was trying to take it off. "A-ah-h.. m-mud.." Mama Cece smiled softly at Lillion, "So tell me everything you know.. I wanna know how my baby was in your worlds." Tep laid in the mud not moving but stayed still staring at the mud. 'You are above me mud.. you are above me mud.' He repeated softly to himself staring off into space.

Lillion smiled softly, "I gotta story I gotta storry! Mama burnt Nuggies" Jane and Rain yelled at Lillion. "Lillion that's not her name! Show some respect!" Mama Burnt Nuggies smiled happily. "Oh I don't mind at all, hahahaha. You must be the nuggie girl, he told me about haha. Yes, I will be Mama Burnt Nuggies." Her laugh was cheerful and happy, Jane and Rain both dropped their jaws before looking at each other. "Uh.. She knows about us? Mah.." They cleared their throats, Rain softly muttering some."Mrs. Miss.. M-mama burnt nuggies." Jane interrupted Rain "Mama Cece." They both glared at each other for a moment both talking almost in sync, "We came here to hear, to find him good or bad.. We would like to share stories with you." Mama Cece smiled happily with tears in her eyes nodding quickly.

"Yes yes please.. come come this way.." Mama Cece offered a paw to Lillion as Lillion was hesitant for a moment before taking her paw. Jane and Rain followed behind quickly. "Thank you.." Mama Cece shook her head rubbing her eyes some. "No thank you.. I hoped he would return like he promise he would.." Her paw shook with anger as the other was tenderly holding Lillions paw.  "So please anything I can do or.. If maybe you could do to bring him home? or.. well your world? maybe then he could come visit his momma.." She was having trouble with her words hoping there was a chance to see him one more time, or she would have to wait for the time she passes to see him once more.

Rain would huff, "I still doubt he is dead.. since the only way he wasn't able to go home was either one. he isn't dead and somewhere alive. or two.." She went silent looking a bit uneasy and cleared her throat. "He is just not fully dead... yet so we can either heal him or... Well finish him off so he can come back." Mama Cece stopped and turned her head slowly staring at both Jane and Rain. "You girls.. lovely as you are. Harm even one hair on his head if he is alive. I will rip you apart right then and there.. if I don't get to him first." She turned back around her face lit up with a smile and laughing, Lillion had drawn a rock in the mud with her stick, showing Mama Burnt Nuggies. "Oh that's very good, very good."


 Ever have that pull to go somewhere? A unknown force telling or pulling you to a certain area or place?

 I have and there is a list forming.

A. Egypt somewhere in the desert

B. Famous museum's with cursed item's/dolls I believe it is a specific one but I do not know much about them, only bits and pieces.

C. A desert unknown where, but it is a different desert than Egypt

D. Large hole with cave attached with large set of doors/seal

(wip I don't think they are done.)