
Thursday, June 19, 2014

my box -poem or poetry whatever you call it-

In my box where the world can shine without windows without doors my box is where i am keep my box at bay unless the whole world will contain. My box is pain sorrow regret depression vengeance my box is contained and concealed my box hidden away from the light my box feeds and grows my box is mine only i know its secrets its wonder the horror my magnificent box is mine to have and to hold without end. You may want my box for your own but you can't handle my box, but me I can handle it as its my box I can take yours and feed it to my box it will grow more. My box will never stop growing my box will destroy the world if it is opened, my box stays closed for all eternity my box.. how I hate it how I need it how I love my box it knows me it knows everything of my as I know everything of my box. It is my everything but your nothing, your box may be full and over flows my box is a good box to me and for me I am my box and my box is me. I hold my box together beware be warned my box can destroy or create my box is never full but never empty. My box is here to stay my box.