
Saturday, December 17, 2016

"Lazy Song" by bruno mar's my version

 "The Lazy Song"

The cloud's slowly move along the sky as the sun rise's up over the horizon. “Today I don't feel like doing anything" Bird's slowly glide from one cloud to another, a brick building is under the cloud as a window is open letting the breeze blow through. "I just wanna lay in my bed" a foot hang's off the side of the bed. The blanket is a mess covering half the body under them, before the toe's wiggled then stretched. the blanket is bundled up against the body as it sinks to the ground crawling toward's the bathroom.  While in the bathroom the phone ring's three times letting the answering machine pick up "Don't feel like picking up my phone So leave a message at the tone 'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything.”

Coming out of the bathroom with the blanket draped over a foxes shoulders, “Uh!" sluggishly making their way into the living room noticing the smell of coffee in the air as the other room on the other side of the living room was open. The television was on as a fist shot up in the air, turning their head to see that a silver wolf was on the couch playing a game on the console. "I'm gonna kick my feet up, then stare at the fan." scooting across the floor before plopping down on the couch kicking their feet up on the coffee table. "Turn the TV on, throw my hand in my pants, nobody's gonna tell me I can't” staring at the television before slipping their paw from under the blanket grabbing another controller signing into the console joining the wolf in their game.

 Time went on as the wolf had left for work, the fox was still under the blanket laying on the couch half asleep staring at the television “I'll be lounging on the couch, just chillin' in my snuggie" Idly clicking the remote on top of the blanket before it stopped on a music station "Click to MTV, so they can teach me how to dougie 'cause in my castle I'm the freaking man”

An hour went by before the fox sat up on the couch and made their way to the kitchen grabbing a tv dinner from the freezer. The radio was on in the roommate's room “Oh, yes I said it, I said it, I said it 'cause I can!” The lyric's seemed to echo throughout the apartment. Humming to the song bobbing their head before the blanket fell off their shoulder's. Using their hind foot picking it up with the thumb and index toe kicking it into their room as it scooted across the floor. “Today I don't feel like doing anything I just wanna lay in my bed" the bell for the microwave rang before.

The phone rang again before the answering machine answered the phone call "Don't feel like picking up my phone" Leaning against the doorway listening to the message. "So leave a message at the tone 'cause today I swear I'm not doing anything” it was work calling for the fox to come into work trying to bribe them to come in with food. Looking at the calendar noticing the red mark's showing how much they had been working with time's etched into the day's.

 Deleting the message's yawning out combing through their fur upon their head with their digit's. “Nothing at all! Ooh, hoo, ooh, hoo, ooh, ooh-ooh" sitting back onto the couch grabbing the controller and placed a headset upon their head. "Nothing at all Ooh, hoo, ooh, hoo, ooh, ooh-ooh” hours seemed to go by jumping on the couch in excitement, then staring at the screen with an intense look upon their face. Slamming on the button's bobbing and weaving their body as if they were inside the game.

 Swinging their hips to a song on youtube dancing around the room.“Tomorrow I'll wake up, do some P90X" jumping up and down in their own little moshpit singing along and dancing if nobody else was listening or watching. In the doorway watching was the silver wolf "Meet a really nice girl, have some really nice sex" walking inside quietly closing the door and began dancing with them "And she's gonna scream out: 'This is Great'" jumping seeing the wolf was back and dancing with them"(Oh my God, this is great!) Yeah” laughing as they both began dancing as if no care's.

A little bit afterward there was a knock at the door as the landlord a plump rhino wearing glasses was standing there arm's crossed “I might mess around, and get my college degree I bet my old man will be so proud of me" they began talking about the noise and that they were getting complaint's to just keep it down. "But sorry pops, you'll just have to wait Haha” agreeing with the landlord and closed the door. Looking at each other laughing some going back to dancing and singing but a little quieter.

The wolf jumped out of their room with the blanket wrapped around their shoulders having a plastic sword “Oh, yes I said it" the fox did the same as they both trotted around as if riding a horse "I said it, I said it 'cause I can” swinging their sword's at one another battling in their own world. “Today I don't feel like doing anything I just wanna lay in my bed" The door opened as a pizza delivery tiger was standing there looking at the two. Then was knighted by the wolf to be the kingdom's delivery person. The tiger went along with it and bowed their head holding the pizza above their kneeled body. "Don't feel like picking up my phone So leave a message at the tone" placing a pouch of coin's and bills in the tiger's paw the fox took the pizza's and dismissed them before trotting to the table. "'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything”

Sitting at the table still wearing their outfit's of medieval garment's even if it was just imagination. “No, I ain't gonna comb my hair 'Cause I ain't going anywhere" the foxes blanket slide down their body showing they were in the buff "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no" the wolf looked at the fox giving a thumbs up letting their blanket plop onto the ground showing they were also in the buff. "I'll just strut in my birthday suit And let everything hang loose" they both laughed a bit of soda came out of the foxes nose which made them laugh harder getting a bit of pizza everywhere." Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah”

 The night was soon upon them as they were on the couch playing some video game's “Ooh Today I don't feel like doing anything I just wanna lay in my bed" the wolf yawned before signing out and heading to take a shower. The fox stayed on the couch playing for a while before their cellphone rang in their room. "Don't feel like picking up my phone So leave a message at the tone 'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything” The answering machine picked up once again this time for the cellphone. Turning off the tv and console the fox stretched scratching their body before walking to their room. “Nothing at all Ooh, hoo, ooh, hoo, ooh, ooh-ooh Nothing at all" curling up on the blanket on the bed letting the blanket coil up around their body."Ooh, hoo, ooh, hoo, ooh, ooh-ooh Nothing at all” snoring in bed as drool was slowly leaking out the corner of their mouth.

The spread of love

A slow rhythmic beeping echoes in a silent room, as there is much hustle and bustle outside of the room up and down the halls. In the room laid a man with I-v's and other hoses attached to his body his breathing was slow but anything other than stable. Air being pushed into his nose through a breathing mask, making his lungs fill with oxygen. A hand reached over the rail on the side of the bed touching his hand carefully gripping it with tears in her eyes. "H-hey.. it's.. I.. it's me Susan..." a lump in her throat as she spoke, "Re-remember when we went sledding? It was my first time and you.. you pushed me into a snow bank" She bit her tongue trying to laugh but it only came out as a sorrow filled sniffle. "I-I was so mad at you, but that was one of the best times I have ever had..."

The door slowly slid open a large bouquet of flowers flowing through the room as another female came in clinching the flowers in a vase. Stepping forward looking at the other women as she stepped through the door, "I.. oh i'm sorry I .. I must have the wrong room.." Susan shook her head, "It.. it's okay what room are you looking for?" her hand moved from his as she placed it back into her lap. "I.. I'm looking for Mr. Drakes room.." Her head turned and looked out to the front of the door at the name placements as it said in the first bed slot, 'Osworth' the second bed slot 'Drake' The lady soon leaned back into the room and looked at the man in the bed next to Susan more closely. "Drake.." her eyes started to fill up with water. Walking over to the bed but stayed her distance gripping the vase even more closer to her body. "H-how.. " Susan turned to the other lady, "They say he was in a wreck.. with a few other vehicles.." Susan's eyes water more as a quiver of a smile came to her face.

"They said they found him helping some of the people to safety... but collapsed after everyone was out of danger" The other lady scooted slowly closer to his bed, "H-heh.. just like him.. to help.." Susan nodded in agreement as she reached over once more taking his hand in hers. "Always playing the hero.. ha.." she replied, as the other lady nodded her head quickly placing the flowers down near the foot of the bed.  "I'm Candise by the way.. I'm sorry to barge in.." Susan stood up and nodded as they both shook hands wiping their eyes of tears. Susan stood up as they both embraced in a hug both needing one as tears came from them both.

After tears were shed they both walked out of the room into the visitor's room as their were other's there waiting. A few asleep in their chair's as others were watching and talking about the weather, old tv show's. Susan cleared her throat wiping her eye's "E-everybody... this is Candise." Almost the whole room was filled with people and they turned to Candise getting wide eyed. "She's the fiancĂ©?! we've heard so much about?!" They seemed to flock over to her giving Candise multiple embraces and tears of joy. Candise looked at them all confused with many emotions going through her head as she smiled happily to have so much support in this time. Giving them all hugs and greetings feeling a bit better in this situation. One sat there glaring at her though through the whole time spiteful and angry at her.

Candise looked at everyone finally finding the word's to express what was going on. "T-thank you.. y-yes I'm Charles fiancĂ©. But.. I-i'm sorry but who are all you people? How do you know Drake? I don't believe I have met any of you before.." The room went a bit quiet, but the television talking about the storm along the golf coast going towards Texas. "Um well we are um.. his friends" One nodded but the crowd of people was soon interrupted by the one in the chair. "We are his girlfriends.. The one's that love him more than you could ever!!" She sat there crossing her arms under her bust glaring at her with such hate.

Susan gulped softly, "J-jackie this is not the time or place... now shush" Candise's face went pale, "Wh-what.. are you talking about? what does she mean girl-girlfriends?!" Looking at each one of the females, then looked at a few of the males also. "A-are you his boyfriends too?" Larry smiled softly, "oh sweetie we wish.. believe me.." Candise's eyes filled with tears, "he-he's been cheating on me this whole time?!... when! where! how?!" Her look turned from hurt to a icy stare, "tell me I demand to know!?" Susan shook her head, "It's not what you think.. we-" Jackie interrupted, "before you even came into the picture now get out of his life and he and we will be off better for it!" Larry had sat back down next to Jackie covering her mouth, "Shhh now now stop it.. she doesn't mean it she just.. a little huffy.." Candise began shedding tears looking at them all, "why... what.."

Susan took Candise's hand before she jerked away, running away crying heavily. Susan looked at Jackie, "look what you've done.." turning around and went after Candise barely catching the elevator that she was in. Susan stood in front of the doorway as the doors closed behind her. "Candise please listen to me it.. its not what you think.." Candise crying in the corner clenching her fist's, "get away from me..." Susan shook her head, "No not until you listen.. please give me a chance to explain everything.. please" Candise sniffled and held her eyes wiping them with her fists, "you have 5 minutes.." Susan took a deep breath, "... can we get something to eat or drink.. some coffee.. please"

Candise shook her head, but nodded afterward, "You're paying for it.." Susan nodded her head, "yes.." After the doors opened they both slowly made their way to the cafeteria. As Candise began grabbing food left and right as Susan followed paying for it all at the cashier. They both sat down as Candise shook in her seat sipping the coffee. "Where.. where do I begin?.." Susan sighed softly. Candise growled out, "when my husband to be began having affairs with all of you!" Susan shook her head, "it's.. not like that.." Her hand's shook gripping her coffee tighter, "Then what is it?!" Susan rang her finger around in circle's. "We.. we all have different reason's why we call him our boyfriend.. for me.. he helped me with so much.. If it wasn't for him being so supportive, loving and caring I wouldn't have gotten as far as I have. We are all very fond of him, he is an amazing man you have and you're lucky to have him."

"That's right I have him.. not-not you.." she said spiteful, "No you're missing the point.. he has been there when nobody else would or had turned away from us.. seen us at our worse and like how he... how he.. got where he is now.. he didn't stop and helped with so much love that he gave us all being supportive and being there when we needed him." tears began to slowly stream down her face as she thought of all the times he had helped her out and pulled her out of the hole she had made. "I.. I know you may not understand this, but we are happy that he has you... he speaks of you often and is very proud of you of what you have done." Candise held her cup and sniffled tears running down her cheeks listening. "Please.. come back up and.. talk with us.. if nothing else could you stay for him.. You don't have to speak to anyone but I know he would be overjoyed to see you if.. when.. when he wakes up"

Candise and Susan sat there eating silently thinking of everything that has happened. After eating for a while and the tears were shed into eating instead of words being said. Slowly they made their way to the elevators, it was a silent ride up to the fourth floor. The fourth floor was for urgent care and those to be watched over. The doors opened as Candise and Susan walked out slowly Susan went to the waiting room. Candise stopped at his closed door, before slowly opening it up seeing Jackie sobbing and gripping at his arm laying slightly on his bed. "Please don't leave me... I promise I'll do anything you want ... but please don't leave me.. not you.. please come back." her tears were soaking into the sheets. "You said you'd never leave.. You promised!" her sobbing came more frantic.

Candise stood in the doorway listening and watching.