
Saturday, June 17, 2023

Monsters and Maiden's //Chapter One: System error?

Standing beside my small 1999 "Wiod Ranger" A bit of rust on it as there were stickers of random things, placed all around it. Looking down at the old truck and smiled soft gray fangs peered out from my lips, with a tongue that splits into multiple ones at will coming out to flick around some. Each tongue had a different shade of a luminescent emerald. Reaching out with my paws outstretched gently towards the side of the truck. Being proud of my little truck, although it has its issues. A four large paws with dark jaded, light green markings up and down its arms through my fur and scales. Touching along the hood of the truck, as a soft blow of smoke rolled over the hood of the truck. One paw reached up taking a long pipe from a pair of furred, scaled lips. Five horns come from it's head as four of the horns shift and begin to coil around one another growing and combining into two separate horns on either side of my head. Two wings covered in scale and fur with the same markings that covered along my body. Fur along the top of the wing and scaled on the underside of the wing.

Yawning out a loud roar and stretched out my limbs crackling along my back and the joints of my whole body seemed to pop shift into place. "Ooo..ooh that hit the spot." Having just gotten off from work a 12 hour shift having a pack of energy drinks in the seat next to the drivers seat. Climbing into a truck lowering my head down horns scrapping against the top for a moment before lowering my head down some more. Scratching my chin as I climbed into the seat of the truck. My tail slithering in behind me as it coiled in the seat next to mine. My tail had the same markings as was over the rest of my body, in the same shades. On the underside of my tail a large gash was hidden away, but once sitting it could be seen being bald since the fur wasn't able to regrow. My eyes stared out the front of the truck for a moment with a heavy sigh. "Alright go grab her and those other 4 and then sleep.. 2 hours there and 2 hours back.. This should be fine.." Rubbing my eyes with a deep inhale closing my door once my whole body was inside, with my foot holding down the break and another foot held down the clutch. Pushing and holding a button on the side of the truck as the engine roared and hickuped for a moment. "When, I can afford to. I promise to get you in to be fixed sweetie.. all you need, the works. You'll be good as new.." My paw touched along the steering wheel some gripping a hold.

Getting out of the driveway and heading down the road, making sure seatbelt was slightly tight against my chest. A few cans of energy drink, one in a cup holder opened, my tail slithered over to the cup holder as it snapped it open with the tip of my tail. Holding it up to my lips taking a drink before putting it back and coiling my tail back into place. Stopping at a 'STOP' sign waiting for a chance to go licking my lips as my tongue slipped around splitting around into multiple tongues. "Hmm.. I should be there in time." Letting go of the wheel and turned on the gps. "Should be easy.. lets go Jill." The gps began speaking out directions to go to the directions. "Please send me to my destination correctly.." Holding back onto the wheel and driving into the freeway turning down the road.

The truck connected to the phone allowing the music to turn on in the truck. "Lets get some tunes.." Tapping the phone to youtube music, hitting on 'Atmospheric phonk II night chill phonk'. Noticing the song was 30 minutes long, "Oh dam.." Slowing down to a stopped red light in traffic. "Sure, why not going to be a long drive anyway." Hitting play as the bass thumped making the truck shake a bit with the first song began to play. "Oooooo... okay." amuzed and smiled as the light turned green heading down the road listening to the music along the way. Bobbing my head around while the music played, paying attention to the road while traveling along the way to the bus station. The music stopped suddenly. "Hm wait what?" a bell began to ring growling around. "Who ruined my?!" stopping himself seeing the number, "Oh." accepting the call and began talking through the speakers of the truck. "Hey everything okay?" Asking out loud some not wanting to be unheard.

"Yeah.. just calling .. are you really going to be there?" A nervous female voice asked while other girls could be heard in the background. Narrowing my eyes, "I said I'd be there I will be there.. on my way right now." saying back with a soft smile and a small chuckle. "So don't worry I'll be there.." there was silence for a moment as another female voice came to the phone. "Alright. Just making sure." I chuckle some, "Yes, Jane don't worry." a group of females collectively called out from the background called out along with Jane. "Okay.. see you later." The phone hung up and continued the song that was playing before. Looking out the windshield processing what just happened. "..Wait.." changing the song.

"Okay.. wait what? who where they?!" Leaning back into the seat more with a groan. "What is going on?" Looking at redial as I shook my head. "Might as well find out there.." Closing my mouth and concentrated on the road while music played off in the background as my mind continued to run with every kind of situation this could turn out to be. Blushing at some ideas, but other ideas had my stomach in knots. My tail opening and crushing energy drink cans while giving drinks to the lips. My eyes wide open having recently got off working half a day only to do this for half of another. An hour passed before pulling over to a fuel station pulling to pump eight. A dim neon light lit up the numbers on the pumps. Turning off the music and checking the bank account looking at my savings empty and then checking had some money for gas and something to eat both ways. keeping note on the money that was in the bank.

"Okay.. we can afford this.." Talking to myself getting out of the truck and filled up the tank full glancing at the price of each kind of type of fuel. ".... I remember when it was one dollar.." sighing heavily having a flashback of a even cheaper price of fuel from an even older time. My eye twitched some before blinking staring at the filled fuel meter. "There goes that money.." sighed heavily and walked into the fuel station a female ground hog working behind the counter. I smile softly as I walk by waving a good morning without saying a word. Walking to the cooler taking out a large can of energy drinks taking two seeing they were having a deal on them. Holding the large cans easily in between my fingers heading down the snack shelf and stood there for a moment taking a double decker oatmeal crème pies.

Heading to the cashier waiting in line behind two females, one was a skinny rounded Coyote and the other was a plumper Crocodile, dressed up in jeans and black hoodies with anime and interesting stickers and buttons all around. Looking at the buttons and things on their hoods before locking eyes with them both suddenly staring at me. Blinking a bit and smiled softly, "Good morning, I'm a one piece guy myself." I mention gesturing towards a bleach shoulder bag over one of the girls shoulder. "Oh, I haven't watched that one." One of them commented in a nervous tone as they both moved closer together and away from me. I stepped back and nodded. "Ah well, no worries." chuckling some before looking away as did the girls. Looking around the room to distract myself, stepping forward in line until it was my turn.

"Good evening hah just noticed the time.." speaking to the cashier, "Rough day? Well I only have thirty more minutes before I get off." Smiling brightly, "Oh there ya go, Yeah I just got off a 12 myself about to do a double." the cashier frown. "Oh no.. no wonder no sleep for the wicked." I chuckled softly as I pay for the fuel and food. "Oh. can't help it can we?" smiling softly as I walk out of the fuel station and get back into the truck. Sighing heavily, "Another 12.. sure why not. it's just a few more hours." Adjusting myself in the seat it was only another thirty minutes until arriving at the destination. Thinking in the truck while moving it out of the fuel lane and out into the dirt road parking lot.

 Parking and leaned in the truck turning it off for a moment. "Okay.. guys.. who wants to go from here?" Blinking my eyes opening them sitting around a camp fire. "Well I got you guys here.. I'm leaving be good and don't screw this up. The flame on my tail roared out glaring at everyone standing up and disappeared into the darkness. For a moment everything was quiet before sitting down at the camp fire. "...I'm Rei, pleased to meet you all.. I guess I'll be taking over for a while it's been a while and I know I fucked up last time but this time I can get it right." Fists gripped the pants lowering his head. "Promise.." closing my eyes and opened them up looking out the windshield and smiled some looking over my body "I promise.. I can do better.." Opening and closing my paws looking at them on the counter. "... okay we.. got this.."

A deep voice came out of my mouth, as the volume and depth of my voice continued to change. "Alright.. we can do this." coughing slightly before leaning back a bit more and stretched out my body. Taking a deep breath letting out a bit of smoke from my lips although I didn't have anything to smoke.  "Alright.. let's go." Driving out of the parking space and back onto the highway turning on some more aggressive music as I drove.

 Arriving at the destination and sat in the parking lot waiting. "Okay.. this will be fine.. it'll be fine." taking a deep breath before stepping out of the truck and walked over to the waiting area for the bus. The bus had just arrived and was turning around in the parking lot to the station. Standing by a small fence line around the bus station area. Looking around as people began coming off the bus, seeing a few familiar faces as I wave. "Hey haha look who made.." my speech was interrupted by the number of siblings they had accompanying them was a bit more than a few. "It.." They seemed to not want to look me in the eyes but looked down at the ground or each other.

"O..oh okay how many is.. coming?" I ask softly seeing their things as well, coming off the bus. Jane, a feline demoness stepping forward opening up her wings and stood up as tall as she could "We.. have a few more than we said but please.. I will take any things you wish but please allow them to come with us.." Looking down at her and chuckled some. "Ah.. but how many are .. coming?" they mumbled to themselves in hushed voices when I looked at them. "We.. count .. all together.. e-" Jane cleared her throat and nervously said the number a bit in a whisper. "Tweh.."Jane cleared her throat a bit, "Twenty four." My eye twitched as my eyebrows rose up clearing my throat. "Twenty... f-f-four of you?" Rain a female human with purple hair jumped to Janes side. "We promise, we won't cause you any trouble." She spoke worried, but elegantly calm adjusting her glasses a bit while pulling her luggage along behind her, noticing the firm grip she had on the luggage handle.

I closed my eyes with a heavy sigh, a squeaky voice along with laughter came screaming towards me. Opening up my eyes as a small kitten came running full speed over towards me. My eyes went wide quickly opening up my arms. "HEY, I SEE A LITTLE SWEETIE!" I smiled softly mid way as my arms opened up to her she stopped and ran behind Jane and hide herself. I quickly stood back up looking down with a soft sight. "Alright.. it's okay I'm not going to hurt you for one.. for two I'm glad to meet you all and to the ones I don't know I hope our first meeting goes good.." Looking around and rubbed my paws together some. "Okay uh so.. this is me over here.. I know it's nothing fancy but it's mine.." showing the truck off a bit as stickers were placed all around it. "I call it the sticker truck." Little kitten came running out and giggled looking over the stickers all over the truck her fluffy fur bouncing with every giggle and joy-filled laugh.

I smile softly, "alright well everyone go ahead and put your things in the truck.. sorry I don't have much room.." There was a discussion between the girls and a boy that wasn't even looking my way. Tilting my head a but and shrugged some, watching as all the items and bodies were placed in the truck. I stood at the door and looked back at everyone. "Be good back there don't fall out.. and stay down it will help.. tapped on the glass if ya'll need to use the bathroom or want a rest stop.." Nodding some still not looking at me but on their luggage. "Oh this will be fun.." I say with a smile frowning for a moment before getting into the truck as Jane was sitting in the middle were my tail was coiled at before. The demoness laid upon the seat nervous as she shook some next to her was the fluffy little kitten placing with her feet and stretching trying to entertain herself.

A older feline stayed by the door with her head down the lowest, "Lydia.. it's good to see you too ya know?" I say sitting in the truck as I try and adjust my tail to move over them as a extra bit of safety from their seat belts. The eldest feline nodded and said in a whisper, "Y-yeah good.. to see you boys.." "You girls hungry?.. thirsty?" I asked almost immediately and their was silence in the truck before a stomach began to growl, like a chain reaction more stomachs were growling as the silence continued.. "..." Turning on the truck and pulled out of the station. Jane's leg shook a bit and began to slowly touch against my leg. "Uh.. I um." I look down at Jane. "Don't worry about it.. I'll feed you girls.. I was thinking about having take out anyway."

Tapping my phone on the dashboard looking for nearby food  along the way. "Alright can you girls .. and dude my guy uh.. wait a bit before I can get you anything." Jane sat up in a proper manner her feathered wings held tight against her back. "They can wait.. we all can wait we don't have a problem with it." She said staring forward out the windshield. "..Alright well, let me know if anyone needs anything.. won't be able to help if I am not told what you need.. so it's okay to talk with me about what you want to say." Looking in the rear-view mirror and smiled softly before looking back to the road and drove on. Music thumping along the way as they all seemed to have passed out not thirty minutes into the drive.

Looking down at Jane a feline demoness with tiny horns on her hair and black feathered wings. The small ball of energy was Little one, she likes drawing and coloring. Glancing over at Lydia leaning her head against the window drooling a bit out of her mouth. I chuckle some and smiled with a heavy sigh but smile, leaning my head in my palm. "Looks like I'm doing good so far.." I whisper to myself Jane mumbled and looked around, "Hm?.." a bit of drool dropped from her muzzle to her paw. Looking down and quickly rubbed her mouth acting like nothing happened and slowly sat back up properly. "Enjoy your sleep?" I ask softly, Jane froze and went wide eyed for a moment with her jaw dropped open before covering herself with her wings some and then hid herself and the other two.

Blinking a bit as I frown some, 'I guess waking up with me by you would make you run and hide..' Inside my head echoed looking through the windshield with a blank expression on my face. My grip on the steering wheel tightened a bit before loosening it up again. Slowly moving my tail around picking up a energy drink and began drinking it. Then looked at the other passengers in my truck and sighed to myself closing it back tight and placed it back having only a tiny sip. Driving along the highway as Jane
had fallen back asleep as they all seemed to cuddle up against each other those in the back and those next to me.

Every few moments I glance around to watch over everyone and make sure they were alright. A few drops began to tap along the windshield. "Oh come ooooonnn.." I said annoyed pulling over on to the side of the road. Jane woke up as did everyone else in the truck as they stood up quickly ready to run. "Is something the matter? is everything okay?! did we do something wrong?" Jane keeping herself between me and everyone else., "What?.. No it's going to be raining here in a bit sorry but here I have a tarp to keep you in the back dry." They were ready to jump and run but their legs shook some before sitting down in the truck again. Stepping out of the truck as I grabbed the tarp and rope and began to cover the ones in back with the tarp.

"I'm sorry about this.. I know.." they began mumbling and whimpering keeping themselves close to one another. Making sure everyone was safe and ready as the rain began to get a bit harder. "Shit oo.. cold rain ass-s." Quickly getting into the truck and sat down wet and slightly soaked. I look over at the three in front with me, before staring the truck and continued down the highway. The rain continued as I drove, the music along with the rain could be heard.  Watching the road before looking over seeing Jane was awake but sitting a bit away from me. I glance at myself quickly noticing I was slightly wet still giving a quick sniff of our arm.

'Do I stink?' I asked myself, before nodding a bit to myself after smelling myself. "You girls.. can use the shower and stuff when you get home if you want." Jane nodded, "Thanks.... we don't want to be a inconvenience to you." she held her paws together and squeezed. "I will do anything you want.. just please don't kick us out.." The truck remained silent after the statement as Rain called out from under the tarp. "We both will.. Promise." Lydia looked from the window began rolling it down began leaning her head out of the window letting out the food she had. Everyone began screaming and laughing as it was chaos as the rain was only washing away some of it. "Oh right car sickness.. sorry should have reminded me.. are you okay?" I look over at her as she nodded some shaking and leaning against the truck door.

"... I think its time for something to eat." The truck was silent again mentioning food, I nodded driving a bit further down the highway turning off a off ramp to take off the tarp after the rain had gone, putting everything back to where it was needed. The part of the truck everyone seemed to avoid was the passenger side where Lydia had released what she had eaten half on everyone and half on the truck. Looking at the side of the truck as Jane stood beside and stared at it with Lydia glaring daggers' at each other. "Alright well we don't have time to clean it let's just keep going." I say getting back into the truck with little one in the middle next to me. I look down and very carefully patted her head and rubbed it softly. Jane stared daggers at little one, "What are you doing?.. little one.." I waved my paw, "It's okay, she can sit in your lap then if she wants to be next to me.. Hows that?" Grumbling a bit as Jane climbed back and sat down, little one seemed to grin wildly as she sat on Janes lap.

"You just don't want to sit next to motion sickness over here." Lydia glare and flipped off Jane some as she continued to apologies about the throw up all over the side of the truck. "... I said it's alright.. no worries." The truck driving to the nearest food place as they went to the drive-thru. Going through as they had to wait for the order of food to be ready. Parked in the waiting lane, my eyes kept forward over the hood of the truck. Three bags worth of food was brought out to the truck. Pulling out of the drive way and parking into a nearby park as everyone got out and stretched went to the bathroom if they needed  to in the restroom in the park. Standing by the truck and handed out the food who had ordered what along with Jane calling out names and keeping everyone organized along with Rain. I watch this little army, I chuckle some and smiled handing out the food.

Everyone had been drinking and eating looking out at the heated mid day. I look at the time rubbing my eyes, taking a deep breath before climbing back into the truck. Once I opened the door to the truck and got inside everyone rushed over with food and drinks. I noticed them from the rear view mirror all running over and blinked before. I knew it everyone was in the truck and eating, drinking quickly. "Hey girls girls.. it's okay I was just sitting in the truck, I'm not leaving promise." Taking the burger from my bag and began eating leaning back in the seat of the truck. The girls one by one slowly got out of the truck but stayed nearby going back to relaxing.

I relaxed and smiled watching everyone seem to relax and talk with each other although it was all in whispers. I looked at myself in the mirror and looked away to my burger and continued eating looking down some as Rei took a deep breath. "Oh!!! Why are there so many?! I can, I can handle this. I promise I'm not going to mess this up..." Taking a deep breath before taking a sip from my drink, looking over at the other side of the truck seeing Lydia having switched spots with Jane, and was sitting next to me her heading down as if staring at the floor. "You get enough to eat Lydia?" I gently touch her side as she jumped. "Sorry.." I say quickly moving my paw away quickly and held my cup. "No-no, no I ate.. I ate promise. uh was good. thank you.."

Looking at her as she was stumbling over her words and stuttering. "..I'm not going to hurt you Lydia. I have no reason to." She seemed to freeze in her place, placing my drink down and sat up some looking at her, "I have no reason to hurt you.. Okay?" She nodded looking back down at the floor while nodding some more. Jane smacked Lydia's arm. "See now stop worrying, I'll make you really scream." Jane narrowed her eyes at Lydia. I look over at Jane, "Behave Jane. Nobody is going to make anyone scream.." Janes eyes drop to the floor as did her body some. She began mumbled and sipping on her drink, Lydia laughed at Jane some under her breath. I took a breath looking at the rear-view mirror glancing at everyone in the back of the truck, feeling horrible that there was such little room for everyone.

"Well.. this wasn't expected.." Saying aloud as the only ones to hear me were in the truck with me, and the two near the back window. It was silent for a moment aside from those that didn't hear what I said was still talking and whispering to each other giggling some here and there. "Alright time to head out everyone go to the bathroom and do what you need to were going." Getting out of the truck as I headed to the bathroom leaving the truck behind me. Walking into a urinal and took a breath standing there not doing anything but staring at the wall. "Twenty four.." Chuckled some, "I'm never going to eat cake again haha."

Laughing to myself before taking a large deep breath expanding out my body in a stretching before slowly letting out my breath. Coming out of the bathroom seeing everyone was waiting in the truck as I pass by them all. "Everyone ready? locked in tight?" In the back of the truck they all nodded still not making eye contact and looking away from me. I looked at them all it was a cramped spacing between them feeling horrible for not having a big enough truck for them to relax in. Lowered my head a bit before climbing into the truck closing the door behind me as my tail wrapped around the one next to me out of reflex. My tail had coiled around their waist and up to their chest. I look down and quickly unwrapped my tail from this new female in the seat next to me. "Oh.. uh hello sorry about that.. Cherat wasn't it?" Cherat a female feline anthromorph as she was Lydia's twin looking like her but her figure was thinner and curved more. She sat along side Lydia and Jane, she smiled happily. "You can use that tail anyway, you want with me."

 A bit of drool coming out of the side of her mouth while staring up at me. Rolling my eyes and started the truck, "Hello Cherat.. how are you?" She could only smile as I back out of the parking spot and shift it into gear. "I think you know how I am.. hehe or do you need a reminder?" I smirk a bit. "Oh? Is that why your up front then?.. to give me a good reminder?" The truck was silent as Cherat was about to reply with a red face. Little one yelled out, "Were going to your home!" I burst out laughing. "Thanks for the reminder.. Haha. Right to home we go!!" There was a childlike  "Weeee!" that came from the back of the truck, a few other voices called out a soft 'weee.'.

I chuckled some as it seemed to bring a smile to everyone's faces and chuckle, giggle. Running onto the highway once more, Cherat's paws touched along my thighs nervously twitching feeling against my shorts only to lean against the side of my body. Her paw undoing my zipper quickly taking out my limp length having it cupped in her paws she began kissing and licking along the tip drooling over the tip with a moan and eager breathing. Only moving out of the way when I had to shift. Her paw at the base gripping it gently every so often squeezing and stroking before letting go and slowly gripping ahold again. Her tongue sliding up and down the underside of my length. As she gave my length some tender care it grew larger and firmer in her grip loosened having more trouble in taking much of the length in her mouth.

Gagging with only some of the length in her mouth. "Hey.. it's okay don't force yourself nobody has taken it all so it's okay." Her head forced down from Jane, Cherat only moaned and gagged before pulling away and leaned her head out the window quickly and began coughing. "WATCH OUT EVERYONE..!!" Although they couldn't hear in the back much they couldn't help but try and peek inside through the back window. All that was heard from the back was. "GET DOWN!" quickly everyone piled on each other with their things. Lydia was forced to sit next to me as Cherat was coughing and spitting out some drool as, she pulled her head back into the truck and coughed Jane and Cherat began arguing.

Lydia was sitting up straight and stiff as a board as she kept her eyes straight forward, face bright red. I sit there and looked at everyone, "everyone doing okay?" I asked as Cherat grumbled, "Sorry I wasn't .. able to." Shaking my head. "No.. no I said it's fi-" A tongue began licking around quickly the tip of my length as Lydia mouth was taking my length slowly not being able to take much in her mouth she kept going using her paw to pleasure the rest of my length she couldn't get to. Looking down seeing Lydia doing her best. "We want to" she said muffled as she then tried to go a little lower only to gag and pull herself back to the tip. Jane growled, "If your going to take it then take it.." She pushed Lydia's head down, her eyes went wide before forcing herself down a bit. Quickly pulling back up gagging an coughing, quickly going to the window.

Jane quickly moved over as they began taking turns on a challenge they argued about for a moment. Rei smiled happily almost in a blissful state, "Heh.. I'm liking this maybe this won't be that bad after all besides I deserve thi-" A crack of a whip and both arms were put intense pain. "Aaaaa.. sorry sorry, right.. we-we don't deserve this." The pain had stopped before coughing a bit taking a deep breath as Rei took a deep breath. The grip on the steering wheel became firmer, for a moment. "Alright girls.. you all don't look like your feeling well haha how about you rest." Looking down at them seeing their eyes half open from having gagged themselves out and became sickly. "..Sorry girls.." Jane sat up and coughed a bit wrapping her wings around them both and cuddled with them in the seat.

"It's okay.. you didn't do anything wrong." Was the last thing she said holding them both close to her neither of them feeling good. I sigh softly stuffing myself back into my clothing and zipped back up. Looking at my arms where the pain was. "..." Then looked back to the road, "Okay then.. maybe this will turn out to be a good thing.." wiggling my fingers some before focusing back on the road. The rest of the way to the house was quiet as everyone was sleeping in the truck. Slowly driving into the driveway, stopping as one of the girls in the back head popped up and was looking around. Stopping the truck, "Alright.. come on wake up.."

I yawn out exhausted trying to be gentle waking them up. Each one slowly climbing out of the back of the truck holding their luggage with them. "... I'm sure each of you know I wasn't expecting so many of you.. but I will not turn you down so please. come inside and we will find somewhere for you all to sleep.." Nodding some as they followed holding their things close to their body's. I open the door holding it open for them. "I don't have much but if your hungry eat.. thirsty drink." Jane stood in front of me as the last one. "I will make sure it's finished before you have to go back to work.." her body was nervous as it shook slightly as I looked away gesturing her inside. "Like I said you don't have to." stepping up the steps as I followed behind and closed the door behind me.

Looking at them all huddled in the kitchen. "Well... uh this is the kitchen.. knives forks spoons here.. plates glasses here.." gesturing around to the cabinets and drawers of the kitchen showing them around a bit before getting to the front moving to the living room. "Heres the living room.. It's not much but we have extra sleeping spots, sitting spots." unfolding the futon showing it turns into a bed before showing the couch some of it reclines back. Walking to the bathroom, "Heres the bathroom if you girls need to .. ya know oh yeah need any tampons? pads?.. I have some they are here." Opening up the hallway closet for towels, other bathroom needs.

Yawning a bit as the exhaustion of the day was hitting him as it was already getting tot he evening hour. "Uh.. well I'm getting a bit tired from." they all began speaking as my eyes opened up. Jane and Lydia stepping out from the group. "We all are thankful and know you haven't slept since working last night.. thank you again for taking us all in.." staring a bit and shook my head waving my paw some. "Don't worry about it.." Looking at them before showing them another room. "Uh this is the guest bed room, although the bed I had in there ..."

Lydia coughed a bit. "We could maybe get it back when we are able to go up there and get it thanks again.. it's helped loads." Looking at Lydia and nodded showing another door. "This is my room.. uh I guess when I'm at work you girls can share it.." Opening up the door showing my room and a queen sized bed. My clothing hanging up on old store shelf racking. Looking at the bed. then looking back at the girls. "Uh.. I know I don't know your names I'm not good with names so please be patient with me."

The girls were slowly walking around and putting their things down in a spot they were claiming in the other room and in the living room. Glancing over as I notice one looking at the other closet in the hallway. "Oh that's the coat closet." Noticing she was a animatronic, "Oh.. uh yeah you can go ahead and. find a place your comfortable with.." she had turned her head to me, her body was glitching and her wires were hanging out looking as if she needed some handy work. She didn't say anything before stepping into the closet and closing the door behind her. "Alrighty.. Your safe there don't worry..."

Looking at the other girls seeing they were getting comfortable feeling horrible not having enough places to have them rest in finding all the blankets I could find. Giving them to the girls giving them all the pillows I didn't use. Walking over to the thermostat and turned on the air to help cool everyone down. Yawning a bit as Jane chimed in from my left side. "Aren't you suppose to be getting to bed?" I looked over and then at the thermostat. "Can a demon princess handle a little cold?" Jane huffed and crossed her arms. "I am a princess of hell, I can handle anything you mortals can dish out." Leaning down a bit becoming face to face with her. "Oh really?" Staring deep into her eyes as she went stiff and her eyes began to drift around, "Well.. of course I can!" she boasted a bit nervously but shook a bit.

"Fine then.. well I'm going to bed then after a shower." Waving my paw some as I began getting a shower in, closing the door behind me. There was silence for a moment before voices began echoing with chatting and talking. Undressing myself as I turn around looking in the mirror looking at myself. Trying to smile and make it not look evil or scary, Rubbing my face with a sigh, climbing into the shower and closed the curtain. Having the hot water splash over the front of my body then my back holding my paws together and took a deep breath, letting out a hot air which steamed the water that was splashing on my body.

Closing my mouth and took another deep breath, "Twenty four." rubbing my head softly as I began to think while cleaning off my body from the whole day and night. Feeling a bit refreshed stopping the shower and turning off the water.  letting my body drip dry for a moment still in thought. Stepping out of the shower and grabbed my towel drying off the rest of my body stopping at the door about to go out casually, "..." Putting my shorts back on and gathering up my clothing and put them under my arm. I opened up the door and stepped out as my body was half naked in front of them all. I placed the towel over my shoulder some before looking at everyone staring at me. I look around some before walking out of the bathroom and headed to the bedroom.

I look at my bed as I closed the door behind me. There was silence far as I could tell before walking over to the bed. Climbing into the bed with a soft groan pulling the clean blankets over my body and smiled happily. "Ah, this is heaven.. my comfortable bed.. My home" Rubbing the floor a bit, "We have company again a bit more than we thought, you think we should give them a shot to stay?" Falling asleep soon as my head was comfortable against the pillow. Time had no meaning hearing muffled sounds before slowly opening up my eyes to see Jane sneaking into my bed room. Closing my eyes enough they are closed but I could still see her perfectly.

Laying upon my back with my blanket covering my body, her eyes staring at my eyes waving her paw at me for a moment. Being frozen like a dear on the road slowly, she made her way to the bed. I could watch her and see what she was up to, climbing onto the bed she was slow and steady. Moving her body as if she was going to get in trouble for being in my room or on my bed with me there. Her paws careful moving the blanket away from my waist as my limp length laid on my stomach. Her paws massaging as she licked her lips and shook a bit leaning down and began licking along the length slowly, taking the tip into her mouth for a moment before she froze as my foot moved some. The door slowly opened up as Lydia, Cherat came into the room being as quiet as they could.

Slowly taking off their clothing and then began to join Jane in touching and licking along my length. "Girls.. I told you.. you don't have to." They took turns, "But we want to.. let us pleasure you. you deserve it." My eyes narrowed some, Rei laid there getting shocked, "Ah.. fuck okay okay.. we don't deserve it.. but.. this actually feels nice.." Jane had glared at Cherat as their beat was still in effect while gagging each other once they were choking on my length. Lydia slowly went to the tip as both Cherat and Jane held her head down further than she had taken it before, she moaned out and groaned before tapping on Jane and Cherats arms quickly.

Gagging as she pulled herself up with Jane and Cherats help covering her mouth quickly some getting out and landing on my thigh. Her eyes tearing up as she ran out of the room holding her paws over her mouth, "Lydia.. You okay?" I ask watching Lydia, Cherat and Jane got up and went off to take care of Lydia holding onto her hair as she puked into the toilet. "I just showered.." Looking down there was only a small bit on my thigh, taking my towel and wiped it off. Tossing the towel into the laundry basket closing my eyes. Little one squealed some and ran into the bed room, my eyes popped open covering up quickly and put back on my shorts while under the blanket. "Hey, what's wrong? you scared?" A loud crack of thunder struck near the house rapidly.  "Oh you afraid of the storm?" Little one jumped into my lap and clung to my side. "O-oh okay.. it's okay, I gotcha don't worry.."

Moving little one away from my hips held her against my chest, lightly nuzzling on top of her head. "I gotcha kiddo.. don't worry the storm may be scary but did you know. Where I come from the lighting and thunder, are just our ancestors dancing around for us." She held her ears, "Their loud! and scary!" I chuckle and nodded, "Well don't you worry my ancestors dance here often, so I guess I'm doing something right haha. Sorry they are having a party for me right now." Little one held onto my chest slowly falling asleep against me.

Looking around some unsure what to do, but soon fell back to sleep with my tail and arms wrapping around her protecting her as I slept. The door was open as the some of the girls had peeked in to see little one smirking a bit while sleeping in the bed.