
Thursday, September 21, 2023

Bags and whistles Chapter 3

 Sleeping deeply, for fourteen days and thirteen nights unmoving from where he had fallen asleep. Slowly lifting his head with a annoyed grumble of a roar shaking the whole room, only to yawn out smacking his lips together and looked around with his head raised. Slightly in a daze, "Huh?.. Where am I?" Looking around and then noticing the chest he was holding. "Oh right.. must have fallen asleep.." Wiping the small bit of drool from his mouth.

Looking up at the ceiling and then back at the ground. "... I have no way of telling time.. Welp, that's going to be fun." Stretching out his body some as he began walking around. "Welp, this is going to suck.. good thing, I came prepared." Taking out a deck of cards from his back pocket, the cards were written in a different language as he began playing with them. He also pulled out some dice and began using the dice and cards in a game. Some time later hanging from the ceiling with his claws digging into the stone.

"Fourteen bald people all making a light beacon off their heads!" He sang in a bored and tired tone on purpose out of tune. "Waiting for a hero to come and saaaave them." Slowly swaying his arms out stretched dangling freely before letting go of the ceiling. Smacking into the ground with a thud kicking up dust around him. A pressure plate was pressed with the weight of the base of his tail. A trap was activated sending multiple needle like blades over the length of his body from both walls. His eyes sprung open as the blades flew over his body, laying froze for a second before his horns coiled back as he smiled, surprised and amazed at the trap, "oh? Oh!? OOOOOOHOHOHOH!!"

Laughing to himself as he began scurrying around on the ground feeling around for more pressure plates and traps along the floor. "Okay let's see how you work we will need more for those hero's." Cackling with glee as his devilish mind. Using the same pressure plate he began taking it apart, and seeing how it worked. He had forgotten about the heroes and everything he had to do while in the room. His focus was on the traps and how to set them up and make them better. He hadn't eaten or drank any of the food that was stored for him. Only when one of his own traps went off smacking him in the head with a heavy hammer did he stumble around.

Rubbing his head a bit, before seeing the chest. "Oh right.. how long have I been here?" He asked himself marking another daily mark, unsure of the actual time. Walking slowly around grabbing some of his rations, but his paw felt nothing. Opening up his ration box, "Oh.. it's been that long huh?... How long has it been since we've eaten?" Looking at his paws as they were thinner than they had been in a long time. "Ha.. look at that, we failed again I guess.." He said softly before leaning his back against the wall, all his traps he had done were complete and were ready to go off at any moment. His body barley keeping the overalls up. "Ha.. it was a trap.. that's right keep the evil guy out of the picture.. good will win when evil is gone."

 He lowered his head putting his claws over his face. "I haven't done anything to anyone.. everything I do fails, I'm not a good guy and I have to be a bad guy." His eyes were getting heavy, "I wonder, if the girls got who they love?.. lilone better take her baths, haha be nice and clean ha.. Everyone better be doing okay.." He thought of everyone he ever been around and with for a moment, thinking back on his memories with them. He even smiled and laughed alone, he had finally fit in somewhere but like a rude awakening as they all left barely coming by anymore. Happy memories turning to the unpleasant endings all those that he ever come in contact with. Scratching his face out of frustration cutting into his scales.

 His blood began to boil with rage cutting into himself. "Don't hurt nobody." Looking at his claws then touching his head some looking at the piece of scaled flesh, cut from his forehead. "... I am the evil one.. This is what I deserve.." He blinked a bit as he took a deep breath. "Tep... Did you sell me out? Why did you betray me?" He sniffled some, his paws holding his head, "I.. Thought we were friends?.. I put on not scary clothing. I can't help it, I'm sorry." He said to himself as his eyes began to water feeling very tired as his body leaned heavily on the wall.

Chuckling softly, "Soon as I'm done with this job.. I'm going on vacation to my home for a very long time.. haha.." Taking another slow breath holding his chin a bit. "At least I had a place called home.. by the looks of things, I have already lost my place, and maybe more of the sanity I once had right?" Sighing softly. "Ugh.. I think I give the job a D+ no gold stars or even a ribbon for it. heh, I'll Lousie the hell out of the job review." Looking at the piece of himself before tossing it into his mouth as he began chewing.

"Ugh.. This is what I taste like this time?.. eh not bad could use some.. heh sauce." Moving claws down to his lips, four slender but worm like creatures come out of his mouth soaking up the blood from his claws to his palm. A saliva trail covered his claws as he rubbed it against his head as he growled in pain. Repeating this process for a second time as the wounds slowly healed up. "Welp, here I am.. back to square one.." Looking at his body, "I guess I've been kinda out of it for a while.." Blinking his eyes like it was the first time in a long time he had used them. "Oh.. I guess since I failed being a good guy.. I am curious since its been so long.."

Glancing up at the ceiling. "I think I can make a way out.. I don't think were too deep." Getting his balance making sure to lean against the wall. "I'm taking a shortcut, Tep sorry and if you ever do come.. visit.. I will be the last one you will ever want to see.." Pointing to the ceiling, "Hey you.. out my way." Part of the ceiling gives way immediately coning out as light can be seen from up above. "Oh.. thank you.." Stepping out over rocks and dirt, "Oh, I hope. They have something good to eat, I'm hungry."

Day unknown year unknown

The chest was covered in cobwebs still closed, the door was sealed shut as it was from the beginning. Cobwebs coating the ceiling and walls, droplets of water came from the ceiling near the door. The sound of water dropping echoed all around the room with each drop. Days turned to weeks, weeks to months to years. It seemed endless time changing but the room stayed the same slowly the chest began to rust. along with the door as the moisture was growing slightly, more water dropping down until a steady stream was falling down into the room. The lock rusted into the chest, wielding itself against the chest.

 The water making the ceiling cave in on itself, a rush of water came from the ceiling above. The chest remained on the platform high enough away from the water. A leather bag fell from the ceiling only to splash down into the water and floated up tot he surface. Tep bursts out of the leather bag in his teddy bear form and waved his arms. "You did it! Congrats!!" Opening up his eyes and began looking around. "See.. what happens when.." staring around at the disorder, condition of the room as his jaw drops to inside of the leather bag. "WHAT HAPPENED YOU WERE JUST SUPPOSE TO WAIT!!" Looking around noticing he was alone, "Skuleth? where'd you go?" Looking up at the opening, in the ceiling.

"Oh .. that's not good." Noticing the chest hadn't been touched. ".. Hey no no.. no." Looking down over the bag seeing that there was a large amount of water. "What happened here?" Confused patting the bag some as it began to slither along the surface of the water then climbing up onto the platform. ".. alright that's better I guess.." lifting his arm up walking around the platform while looking around the room a bit more before smacking the chest with his paw. "Hey you in there?! Anyone home?!" Smacking the chest some more with each strike the chest budged just a bit.

He grunted a bit leaning his head against the chest. A trap was set off by the leather bag stepping forward towards the chest, on its way to follow Tep. A spear came soaring from the wall, towards the chest and Tep. The spear went right over the chest and snapped once it hit the wall. Lifting his head up from the ches looking at the broken spear. "Hmm, I don't remember that trap being there.." Lowering himself back down on the floor as he looked around. "What did you do to this place while you were here?" Grumbled some, "The job was to help the hearo's... Not to Kill them!" Gripping one side of the chest as it began to crack, quickly letting go. "oops.. fragile excuse me so he's not here.. but why didn't the hero's come? I don't get it."

Rubbing his head some in thought "Well I was going to congratulate you for helping the Hero's.. but they never showed.. did they?" A moment of silence before looking around at the carnage his head hung low, glancing over at the chest "I guess.. I should at least put all this to use, or put it back." stepping back a bit, walked around the chest to the lock. Staring at it for a moment. "Oh." His paws reached over taking the lock as it broke into pieces in his paws. Lifting the lid of the chest which snapped some and creaked open. Inside was gold jewels as Tep looked inside and began taking out the contents of the chest, placing them into the leather bag that waddled itself over to Tep.

Reaching near the bottom noticing a cloak laying neatly under all the gold and jewels. Looking down at the cloak, "Oh. I'm sorry, didn't realize someone else was already here." Staring at the cloak confused, 'Should have double checked the work order.' he mumbled to himself. "Wait there, I'll get you out in a Jiffy!" He would say using his paws to quickly take out everything on top of the cloak in a rapid pace. Its hood would shift and wiggle around some soon, The leather bag jumping left to right catching everything he was tossing out. The cloak lifted itself up from the chest stretching out its stitches. The fabrics on the cloak stretched out almost covering around the whole room, before shrinking back down into a small cloak that had twenty four small empty slots making a design along the inside of the cloak, as well as two small pockets on the outside.

Tep watched, stunned for a moment as his jaw dropped a bit. "Sorry, the job was a flop, what's your name? Where you here before? Do you know what happened to Skuleth?" he asked as the cloak floated up around in the air looking around the room. "Like I said.. Job was a flop.. Hey! Are you listening to me?" Tep watched the cloak, "Its probably changed a lot since last you seen it, don't worry we ca-" He stopped himself seeing the cloak floating out of the room through the ceiling. "HEY! I'm talking! wah'wait! It's dangerous!" Tep ran to the edge of the platform and jumped as the bag was rolling quickly and scooped up Tep while he was running. "Hey! GET BACK HERE?!!" He shouted the bag bouncing off the waters surface and began flying up following behind the cloak., "STOP! STAY!... SIT?!"

The cloak was fast shooting out of the narrow ways only to come out our of a mountain side. Tep quickly looked around at ground level before the bag flew up higher into the sky. "Where? Where!?" He kept softly repeating to himself, frantically looking for the cloak in this world. Flying up higher as he looked over the edge of the bag, "Where? Oh please where?!" he muttered. Soon seeing the cloak coming out of a lake and flopped a bit on the ground. Tep sighed heavily. "Oh thank. The stuffing stuffers." Lowering down to the lakeside the bag landed on the ground as Tep stepped out of the bag. "If you wanted to take a dip, I know this fountain does wonders for the stitches."

He chuckled some seeing the cloak as it looked larger than before, "You may need to cut back on the extra water.. Or did you catch something?" The cloak opened up as water spilled out along with a child. Teps button eyes went wide, staring in shock and horror as his jaw drops. "Oh.." quickly running over to the child checking if it was still breathing. "Oh sh...tuffing.." Saying in a panic, "Their alive okay we're safe.. come on lets go before it wakes up." closing his mouth and looked around before climbing back into his bag.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Chances taken away Chapter two://Double portions

His eye opened slightly getting the feeling, of heat approaching his face, the feeling of eyes staring intensely at him. A child's face was inches away from his staring curiously at him. Quickly jumping back to the other side of the wagon. Placing a paw upon the boards pushing himself up with a groan. "Hey kid.. Where am I?" Asking with a grumble from the exhaustion of everything has happened so far. Being physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted trying to do as little thinking as he could. Staring at the child in front of him, vision blurred still as he closed his eyes. Lifting his paws up on his face with a groan, his whole body felt it was on fire. "Ugh.. Too.. soon" Opening up his eyes once more before passing out once again from the pain, his body falling back onto the floor.

His eyes were still changing as his eyes looked as if they were on fire small flames glowing along his eyeball. Once his eyes closed the sparks stopped, staring at him the child smacked his head with a club. His body jolted some to the hit, 'Holy shi-- What has happened to this place? Has everyone gone mad?!' He laid in the back of the wagon as the child held the club close, while staring at him the whole ride only to wonder off at the mention of food being hunted. A roar came out each wagon's hunter was hopping out of their wagons as the others continued on finding a place to rest for the meal. Opening up his eyes feeling the wagon slowing down, looking around before lifting his head up to look around outside of the wagon. His eye sight was blurry still as he couldn't see much of anything, his paws touching along the wagon. 'Uh.. still not ready, I guess..'

Leaning back touching his forehead feeling around along his body. 'I can at least feel how I look.. somewhat.' Feeling around his body touching the warmth of his fur around his body. 'Oh this will suck during heat seasons and areas.' He chuckled to himself, feeling his face a bit. 'What is this?.. two ears,.. long ears huh? okay well a nose... some eyes.. not done apparently but hopefully soon..' Touching along his rags taring off his sleeve. Feeling along the ground in front of him laying them long ways. Using his fingers to touch along the fabric folding it a few times. Taking both ends and placed them over his eyes tying it behind his head. 'Heal.. heal completly.. focus.' Taking a few deep breaths in trying to focus hearing the sounds around camp being made. People talking, walking around some carrying items to the middle area where. The lead large female was giving orders to both male and females.

He couldn't help but smile some hearing peoples voices again they were only feet away he could talk with them interact with them. He sat by himself and shook his head lowering his head down. 'I .. don't belong here..' These people were the first group of people he had been around for a long time. Gulping some dry saliva down his throat, "I'm in all your debt.." He said in a faint whisper, "HEY IT'S AWAKE!" A child cried out before running off, his head tilted to the side. 'Oh.. uh please be kind.. I mean none of you any harm.' His paws felt around touching the wagon some looking for the opening. His tail slithered along behind him before wrapping around his legs which made him jump a bit. "Oh.. my tail.. my tail.."  Gripping his own tail with shaking paws, 'I'mma have to really check this body in quick. I need time to recover.' His paws touching over his tail feeling the texture of the fur along his tail. The texture was rough but soft at the same time, something to lay on but not to rub against.

There was a rush of footsteps on the ground coming towards him. Spinning around in the wagon as he moved his paws around the floor, looking for the exit. Finding a cornered edge to open the gate as his arm was soon caught by a much larger paw. A heavy voice spoke, "You here to cause trouble? Or you here to do good?" He froze some looking around having a blindfold over his eyes. "I.. I wish no harm to anybody.. Thank you for your kindness, but I must take my leave.." A large dark brown bat like creature with dark brown eyes reached out one of his arms as his wings tucked in against his back. He lifted his arm up pulling him from the gate slightly looking at his skinny body, "With these puny things? You are no trouble here. Eat with us if not then you can leave now if you want, simple." His arm was let go, sitting up a bit more holding his arm with his paw, unsure where to have his head looking.

 "Can.. I leave after I eat?.. If not." Laughter came from the crowd that walking around hearing that the stranger had woken up. Gathered close-by peeking around to look at the one in the wagon being curious, "Fine.. Oh great creature of the forest.. you can leave after you eat.. but allow us safe passage through your domain." His head tilted to the side some a smirk crossing his face. "Safe passage.. for a good meal, I accept." Reaching out his paw slowly moving it around in the air to seal the deal. The large bat male looked at him once more before laughing grabbed his paw in a pawshake, "Aye, it's a deal creature of the forest for safe passage we will give you a good meal." Gripping his paw tightly, "Deal!" A red and ebony chains wrapped around both of their arms, for a moment binding them together. "What the no no no!!! I.. I didn't mean it hey!" The bat was pulling back with all his strength, the chains tightened their grip in a pawshake, not letting either party move.

Lifting his head a bit looking straight into the bat's eyes. "Safe passage for a good meal is the deal and now." A small scroll and parchment floated above symbols grew along the parchment. Rolling up and placed onto the chains were they both freed. "Approved" The large bat arm was let go. "A deal is a deal, I will hold my end of the bargain if you hold up yours. Are you a man of your word or not?" There was silence, he slowly backed away deep into the wagon, 'Crap.. Why does this always happen?! Why'd it have to be a deal?' The footsteps were slow at first but each one ran off in a rush, listening to everyone running away. 'They'll probably try and poison me or try to do something to try and kill me.' His head lowered and shook his head covering his ears with his paws. 'I don't want to have to kill them all, this sucks. Why do I always get set up with this shit! I just got back. I don't want to kill the first people I meet.. They've been so nice up till now.' He continued talking in his mind while outside the people were rushing around the kids were taken to the back wagons with food to eat. 'Oh please, oh please. Don't break our deal. Don't do something stupid.'

 He could smell the food, his ear's were heavy as he tried lifting them with the strength in his ears. Reaching up with his paw lifting his ear some. 'I'll have to get used to this body.' listening to everything he could around him. Clearing his mind, with each sound that he could hear made his ear twitched towards it. 'Got the kids away, with some of the smaller males and females... More of the larger females  and males are coming closer now. So ambush attack then? Poison the food or drink whatever you want me to eat or consume. I don't hear much weaponry.' His ear twitched to the side a small commotion of who was going to come get him. The large male still rubbing his arm some standing by the burning flames of one of the fire pits, "Monster of the forest!.. What curse did you put on me?!" A elderly couple were examining his arm. 'Monster?.. I'm a monster?.. but I help people.. I I'm a good person. Well... we did make a deal.' "You wished safe passage through my lands.. You made a deal in exchange for a good meal you will have safe passage in my lands. That was the deal." The elderly couple began chanting spell after spell they could think of for freeing his arm. Time seemed to continue on while resting in the back of the wagon listening, watching the couple try time after time to take the chains off.

The bat held his arm after four of the spells didn't work, began walking towards the wagon. "AND if we refuse?!" his arm raised up showing him the chains that flowed along his arm. "If we accept and do as you say... will everyone be safe?" He took a slow deep breath holding his arm in his paw staring at him with a flame in his eyes, "Breaking the deal we made nobody's safety would be a issue as they will all die along with yourself.. that is the punishment for the deal you made there is no negotiation... Be careful who you make deals with." There was silence as a large amount of people began making more food. Others stood there in shock, "You lie!" One shouted out from the crowd. Once the larger male stopped at the end of the wagon. "M-monster.. If the food is not good.. What will happen? Is there no other way to make up for it?" The Bat reached up with his arm that was bond in chains, touched the wagons gate pulling a bolt from the gate letting it slide down to open. 

"We.. have females.. or m-males if that is more your tas-." His head lifted up staring at the bats face reaching out to touch him but pulled his own paw back, hesitant for a moment "Would you lay your own life and soul on the line if the meal is not good?" He crossed his paws in front of him as he moved around sitting on his legs with his tail coiled up beside him. "If you put all those things on the line. I will only come after you and everyone else may have a safe passage." The large male stared at his blindfolded eyes shaking in terror at the sudden feeling throughout his body. "M-h.. Yes, I agree.. If that will grant them safe passage.. Will I have to make the deal again if we come back through?" Reaching out his paw as the red and ebony chain slowly moved to the large males arm once more. "Then a exchange has been granted.. If the meal is not good you will be the only one that will be torn apart. And your soul will be mine.

The bats eyes stared at his arm as it shook, turning his attention to the ground. Taking a large gulp as he climbed into the back of the wagon. "...You heard him.. make a good meal!" He yelled out his body shook, sitting close to the gate. No words were spoken as the bat sat with his arm shaking. the wait seemed like a eternity, staring at the floor. "What's your name? Why lay your life on the line for these people?" He asked as the bat rubbed his arm nervously, "They call me 'ZekeThese are my people, I must protect them no matter what." Glancing up at him before looking back down at the floor. "Who or what. I'm not sure, how good you can hunt but protection and feeding are my main concerns for them all."

Zeke took a deep breath before moving from the chair to the floor of the wagon. Outside there were people rushing around as fires were crackling as everyone ate. While the children were eating, the adults began singing and dance like it was their last night. Games were made up between families while they ate and music began playing from those that could play. Zeke could only stare down at the floor hearing all the sounds. He closed his eyes and began picturing everyone singing and dancing, a tear came to his eye before smiling. "*You don't know, what you have until. It's gone.* It's a saying from a place, I know of..

Zeke froze slowly opening up his eyes looking up at him. "It means don't take your loved one's, your victories surviving another day for granted. They may be here today but who knows what tomorrow will bring." Zeke nodded his head some looking off at the games and music being played, meals being eaten. Their laughter and music was filling the air, the elderly couple were dancing around each other singing a song.  "These are my people.. We may not look the same. But I will give my life for them over and over again until I know they are safe.."  Zeke took a deep breath his chest fur began to stick up. "Making another deal already?" Zeke quickly let out his breath coughing as he choked on some of his own saliva. He watched and frowned slightly, "Breathe. Everything will be fine, I was making a joke." Zeke nervously laughed a bit sitting up the scent of food drew near. A large plate of food was brought to the wagon, Zeke looked over seeing who was bringing the food.

 Zekes eyes went wide as his forehead began to get warm. "Ayame?" Whispering to himself, Ayame one of the experienced travelers recently had a child. Her body curved looking as she did while carrying. Her green eyes shined with her black short fur, having very little to covering her body.  "Ayame.. I can't do it, Please help me." A younger female held onto the other side of the plate shaking, Ayame held her side of the plate. "Ruby.. shh. This is for the best for us all." Ruby stared at Ayame her red eyes quivering as she froze in place. Her grip on the plate started slipping her long ears shot straight up. Her lapine frame was covered by a large fabric, with a few pieces of black fur lining the coat.

 "Ruby.. stop staring, look at the ground watch your step" Ayame tried to reassure her, as they made their way to the wagon. Ayame noticed Zeke, trying to smile a bit as Zeke stared before looking away nodding a bit. The females were carrying the large plate together, Ruby's eyes couldn't help but to stare in terror. Their grip on the plate was shaky being extra careful not to even spill or fumble a piece of food. They were chosen as they were shaking in fear, Zeke stared at them. Ayame tried holding her head high as her tail was quivering behind her against her leg. Zeke couldn't help but stare at Ayame before getting up undoing the gate and lowering down to move out of the way. Zeke and helping the girls into the back of the wagon. "The.. foods here.. and our gi-gift to you for tonight." Ayame was posing herself trying to cover Ruby's body and to keep his attention on her. Her tail lifting up covering Ruby as Ayame slowly picked up the plate by herself.

"...Thank you.." Zeke looked away and tried to use his wing to slowly move Ruby further away. "Why?! Why am I being punished?" Ruby holding her clothing blurted out almost in tears. "Punished?" His head tilted around as his ear turned to listen to the female. "I was the on that found you.. And you turned out to be so mean!" Ruby sniffled with her lip quivering, shaking as she clinging against the other female. Zeke and Ayame both frozen in shock unsure what to do. Zeke wrapped his arms around them both and jumped out of the wagon wrapping his wings around them just incase.  Sitting there in the back of the wagon, reaching up and gave a clap. "Very nice.." Zeke unwrapped his arms, wings from around them. 

"Get over here don't go off saying stuff like that.."  Ayame was stunned for a moment laying in Zekes arms staring up at him with sadness in her eyes, "Get Ruby out of here you want his meal to be ruined?! And everything everyone's done will go wrong." She whispered to him, quickly got back onto her feet climbed back into the back of the wagon. "I.. I'm sorry.. we-we got in-interrupted." She returned to his side sitting along with the plate of food. Her paws were a little shaky, his paw reached out gripping her arm. Sighing out softly, "Your na?" His head hung low his nose twitching leaning over and smelling the food. 

"Oh.. foods here..." Ayame's arm was shaking even more her voice had left her only for a few seconds, "Ye-yes s-sir let me food.. feed you.." His grip on her arm loosened before letting go. "Thank you, but I would like to feed myself now go.. enjoy the food and drinks games and songs.." Ayame gulped with a quivering lip, "Then.. le-let me be of s-service for you tonight." Zeke covered Ruby's eyes and began escorting Ruby away. "Come on.. let's go eat." Ruby looked up at Zeke. "What about.." Zeke covered her mouth. "She'll be fine, lets go quietly." he whispered to her.

Ayame had glanced back to see they had left only to turn back around and his face was inches away from hers. His ragged blindfold covering his eyes, "Ah.. ah." Ayame tried to smile softly. "S-sir.. Is everything to.. Your liking?" Her paws shook touching along his thighs, "Leave.. I will eat this food which was part of the deal I will not be bribed or cheated... Now go." His voice changed to a soft tone. "Go eat.. dance, sing, enjoy the time." His paws touched hers lifting her up to her feet slightly and gestured to the sounds. "Go.." Ayame stood there in front of him slowly making her way out of the wagon.

She grabbed her clothing and quickly clothed herself running back to get something to eat, stopping next to her mate and her child. His stomach growled deeply, using his claws as he began scooping up what he could, eating every bit on the plate. He lifted up the plate and began drinking the juices from the plate licking it all up. "Oh that was good.." Sighing softly and smiled happily rubbing his belly. Looking at his wrist with a smirk, turning the red to a soft green glowing along Zeke's arm. "AH!" he screamed out holding out his arm shaking as everyone stared. A moment went by as everyone looked around the glowing soon dissolved Zeke's arm was back to normal again. A cheer and laughter yelled out before silence when they all stared at the wagon. 

"MONS-.. Creature of the forest.. you gave us safe passage, right?" He sat in the wagon in thought, 'What should my name be here?.. Although monster of the forest does sound kind a' cool. I'll need to pick a name soon let's see. How about we go down the list...' It wasn't long before the child from before was running along the wagons jumping a crossing one wagon into the back of his. A large club smacking into his forehead, 'It's that little mother-fu' The club cracked along the wood grain. There was a long pause as everyone was staring terrified at what just happened. Flicking his head up sending the child up into the air before slamming his head into their stomach sending them out of the wagon. "Stop, picking fights or you're going to end up dead kid!"

 The adults stood their jaws dropped at what was going on, unsure what to do before the leading female stomped over taking the child in her arms.  Her loving caring smile quickly turned to a face filled with rage. She threw the child to its parents loudly barking at them, before turning back around with a warm and friendly face staring at him. "Please forgive our children.. they are.. wild sometimes.. you- you know how kids are." She chuckled nervously, "That was a good meal, you all are safe while in my territory. I will stay in here until it is needed for me to come out of here.

The leading female looked around some, then to the two that were still close. "The meal was good everyone.. we have safe passage." A heavy sigh of relief came from them all, the leading female looked up at him and nodded. "Thank you.. please if you need any." She would glance at the two before looking back at him. "I want to make another deal." She held out her paw standing firm, "What are you doing?! Your going to get us all killed?" His ears twitched as his head looked directly at the lead female. "What is the deal?" He asked tilting his head slightly.

".. Will you join us? protect us and in return we feed you.. If you fail to protect us you will not be fed ever from any of us." Sitting there staring at the large female extending out her paw to him firmly leaning her paw towards him fully, her side was leaning against the wagons gate. "I will not protect you from death when it is your time.. You will die in time like your family lines.. But remember this deal will only be where my territory begins and ends."

"Once you are out of that area all of your safety is not my concern, only to you and four others within you all.. so choose wisely what four will go on safely with you. and who will be left behind when their time is come?" Staring at her as she opened her mouth as everyone began walking over to the wagon. "Four only four?!" "We want to make a deal, too!" "Why can't we all have safe passage?" More and more people began to hold out their arms wanting to make a deal. "Silence all of you.." everyone's voices left them as they were moving their mouths. "One at a time.. each of you will have to decide who will be saved and who will be left behind. I will not negotiate this.. talk amongst yourselves.. pick straws.. but four is the limit I am willing to do. For your kindness and for the food this is a generous offer." The adults looked at themselves then to the children playing with each other.

The large female was in shock as she was whispering to herself, "Me.. four.. four others?" Staring at him, "Do you get to pick or can we pick?" He nodded. "You choose four of you and those four will be safe along with you. I will not take any other deals for now." His ear twitched a bit leaning around, hearing the whispers of who should be one of the four. The lead females paw was soon shaking paws with him. "The four have been selected and I accept this.. from now on I will accompany these wagons and protect those upon it as agreed.. So everyone rest easy tonight the deal is made and now.. You will be safe.

A red chain sunk into both of their paws as she closed her eyes looking away. Her arm held his paw for a moment before slowly letting go seeing the chains sink into her fur before disappearing. "Now.. I must rest, so rest easy you will be safe here." Laying back down in the wagon, as he stared up at the top of the wagon saddened by he had to do, wanting to fall asleep quickly. The lead female stood there looking at her arm, touching along where the chains were. "Okay, we will be safe now." Everyone crowded around her looking at her arm. "Does it hurt? are you okay? who did you pick?" Their questions were hushed as his voice rang out from the wagon.

 "Next person that asks who was picked will be killed and eaten on the spot in front of everybody... This will not affect the deal I have now. This is your one and only warning." Looking up at the ceiling with his arms out wide almost in prayer. '... Please just agree, You seem like actually nice people.' It was silent as whispers started to rise above the sound of a breeze passing by. One of the large females burst into flames screaming in horror as she kept asking. The moment only lasted a few seconds before her body was dust in the wind before dissolving into the ground. "Wh-what happened?" The crowd scattered after seeing one of their own was burned alive from the inside out. "What have you done?" The lead female stared up at the sight of the female only a few steps away from her had burst into flames. "If you leave. Your safety will not be guaranteed.

He yelled out as two families continued to run grabbing their things and children taking off back from where they were leaving. Lifting his head up some as he looked from the back of his wagon, "Please spare them!" The lead female stood in shock shaking in her legs nobody needs to know who would be safe. She turned her attention back to him and held her arm up in view. "Allow them to leave.. please! I'll come up with a good trade for their safety." She began taking off her gloves placing them down on the ground. Her throat pulled at every bit of her saliva she could muster. "You must be weary.. please s-sir.." Her shirt was already gone her eyes were closed leaning against the gate. "Trade their lives.. for.. my body for as long as you guard these people.."

She said whispering her offer to him as her paws began touching along her hips slowly pushing down her pants. His attention went to her seeing the look on her face he shook his head. "They can leave.. anyone can.. but I won't look after their safety.. They will be safe once back with us till the end of my territory otherwise.. I will not help unless they make a deal within the next few days. As agreed I will protect these wagons and those in them till the end of my territory." Resting his head back down on the wagon as his tail gently pushed her shirt back towards her, "Your offer has been declined." She put her shirt back on and then the rest of her clothing. His tail slithered over locking the gate closed, before slithering back away from the opening of the wagon. The lead female hopped up onto the wagons railing, pulled a piece of fabric that rolled down closing off the open end of the wagon. 

"As I said before you are all safe, I will not go against my part of the deal." Closing his eyes once more with the cloth hanging off his face some. The lead female looked around to see who had noticed what she was doing, glancing at her arm. "Deal's a deal." she whispered to herself shakily before gesturing to those that were coming towards her. "We are safe.. If you want to go ahead.. but if not then we continue on without them."  The word was getting around the wagons as the adults and adolescent's were all restless. only the children, elderly seemed to sleep carefree.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Bags and whistles Chapter 2

Skuleth huffed and leaned back looking at the gift, reading the note turning away with a grumble but a somewhat smile coming across his face. "Ugh, fine. I'll do it." He rubbed his head some before, taking the slip in-between his claws. "Go, now come back home.. sooner." Twisting the slip between his fingers in deep thought. 'I could just go in and rampage around before going back to the spot.. might bring in some ext-wait.. its one of his kinds job. How can I do this better than him? This smells like a trap all of it does.' Staring at the slip before lifting his head from the table then stood up trying to think like Tep. "Good guy stuff.. The hell would they need? them?.. it, they, them, whatever doesn't matter."

Walking out of the room and to the hallway passing by his reflection as he looked at himself. "Good guy.. stuff, I'm not the good guy." His reflection deforms once his eyes locked, closing his eyes walking away moving into a small room enough to have a bed a soft pelted blanket with soft furs. Near the bed a beaded closet with very few clothing options as one hung on a hanger still new and untouched. Looking at the clothing, lightly touched it with his claw feeling the softness of the fabric. "One day, I'll maybe try you on and look good too... Maybe when I'm worth trying you on." His claw accidently cut a hole in a sleeve. "No-Nh.. okay sorry, sorry." Quickly taking his claws away from it, before carefully moving them out of the way. Taking a hold of a pair of overalls of silver and dark green designs all along the sides.

"This will do.. besides comfortable., and many pockets haha." Chuckling to himself while posing in front of his closet without a mirror to show how he looked, back to himself. "..Well at least this outfit should allow me to blend in if there are any agriculture prospects around, well what do you think?" He asked looking at the beads, as they blew softly towards him. "Heh.. thanks, I know it probably looks foolish.. but how else do I not frighten others away?" Exiting out of his room and passed by the mirror once more stopping for a moment in thought looking at the mirror behind him.

"... Do I look approachable?.. " not able to see his reflection before looking down at the ground. Walking to the front door, stopping at the moss curtains as he turned his head to the side as he looked down at a stump cut out with moss covering under and all around the stump. "... I'm going to work, be good. I don't know when I'll be back. So stay alive till then, okay?" He said leaving his home through the moss curtains a wall of murky water stood in his way. Walking along the bottom of the swamp heading back to Naconorton, stepping out of the swamp and continued along the pathway his mind in deep thought as he walked alone with the slip in-between his fingers gripping it tightly. Reaching the entrance to Naconorton his eyes went down to the ground, taking a slow and deep breath.

Walking through the middle of town keeping his eyes on the ground, only glancing up every once in a while. To keep track of where he was going, "Skuleth!" A demonic females voice came from one of his sides, a feline demoness was scurrying along his side. "Where you going?" She asked with her feathery wings spread open in front of him as she tried to keep up, hopping a bit. He would glance down at her, as he slowed down some. Letting her lean on him some, "I have work so.. I'll be leaving." She froze some and held his paw in hers, "Oh well uh .. you.. uh.. If you ever need a demon princesses help.. with anything - I I'm only a call-" A loud hiss followed by, "SKULETH!" A purple hairs cat running over in a hurry with a pair of glassed over her muzzle.

Her tail puffed up as she quickly joined, her friend. "Jane.. What are you doing here? Skuleth?! Hello.. Hi.. heh." Her face was flushing with different colors as her eyes began to change in color. He looked down a into Rains eyes and smiled softly. "Hello Rain. you're drooling again haha." Offering her a napkin as Jane began cackling with laughter, both seemed to stare daggers at each other, but smiled and looked at Skuleth. "Skulettthh." they say at the same time. "SKUEEEEETH!!" A small kitten ran out of a doorway having a Black and gray female tiger metallic animatronic chasing after the child. The child was laughing as Skuleth softly smiled as his face softened slightly showing a bit of sorrow and joy. The kitten jumped up towards him as he reached down grabbing a hold of her.

"Careful.. I have horns little one do not harm yourself on me.." Slowly holding onto her carefully hugging her to not harm her.  Jane smirked "I know someone that wouldn't mind being impaled.." and Rain huffed with a moanful sigh "Impalement would be bad" her head darted towards Jane with a deadly glare. "... shut.. uup..." She mouthed to Jane. Skuleth lightly rubbing the back of the kitten before lowering down to her feet. "Skuleth she's after me. make her go awaaay!!" She began crying suddenly, "It's bathtime isn't it?" Skuleth smiled lightly, the kitten began looking around. "N.uh.. dunno, maybe but.. I don't wanna.." She began to throw a fit as, a female animatronic with glowing lights along its polished tiger feline model. "She refuses to take a bath.. it was my turn to do it but she keeps running away.."

 Skuleth looked down at Lilone standing up a bit straight, placed his paws on his waist line and shook his head. "Well then I guess there is only one way to fix this... we must eat the child.." Skuleth crouched down and playfully nipping at the kitten as she screamed with laughter. He chased her around for a moment before she fell over, pouncing on top of her carefully and tickled her. "I got to tenderize the meat. Yup, yup almost on n-ho a-ohh." Being very careful and trying to be as gentle as he could. A soft chuckle came from his lips as the kitten laughed and wiggling around on the ground. He let her go, stood up, "Alright you played, now go clean up." She flailed on the ground a bit and huffed in a tantrum laying on the ground with a limp body. Groaning with a bottom lip quiver. before getting up and held the animatronics paw. "Fiiine." She said while going back to her home with the animatronic leading the way. "Thank you again, Skuleth."

He would nod his head some giving her a wink, "Your welcome Tiger, anytime." Tigers tail wagged violently as her lights began to change color to a soft pink. "Y-yes, Of course! ye-ye ye.. hehe." She glitched a bit while walking a bit more excitedly. He looked back at the others, "Does this look scary to you girls?" Opening up his arms up showing off a bit in a t like pose. A red and white fox snickered a bit her tail swaying back and forth her eyes look up at the night sky. "Scary? No.. Handsome mmmhmm." Skuleth sighed and rolled his eyes to her comment. "Yeah, sure.. I got good work.." The girls stood in shock looking at him, confused. "So.. I need to know.. Do I look scary?.. Or do I look like a good guy?" The girls looked away some not looking him in the eyes. "... You look less.. scary."

Skuleth sighed softly. "I guess that will be good enough. Thanks girls." He patted them in the head softly as he walked by. Rain was staring as he walked by drooling as she leaned over some. "Some girls like the scary.." She whispered wiping her mouth before, they all walked back to their home a cat mansion with three stories, and two towers. Their land spread far as Skuleth was allowed to venture through such land to arrive at his destination. The red and white vixen stood at the gate leaning against the gate post having very little clothing on. She smoked out of a long pipe letting the smoke bubble up to the sky, watching him as he was soon out of view. Watching for a bit longer before turning around as she went into the mansion as well. "Handsome as ever.. you fool. When will you learn that?" She sighed some, her ears falling to hear sides, along with her tail. Skuleth continued his way down passing by a hoovering carriage was cruising by slowly.

"Need a ride Skuleth?" Another cat female waved her paws at him as they passed each other. "No thank, Got a job to do but maybe some other time." A large breasted cat feline leaned out of the carriage. "I GOT A JOB FOR YOU TO DOO!" she said her tongue out as she fanned herself winking at him. Skuleth rolled his eyes once again before shaking his head. "Maybe some other time, Cherat." Walking down the pathway making it soon to the ruin stone post. Taking a deep breath as he looked at the slip. "Lets see." Walking over to the stone pillar and placed the slip into a slot. The stone began to vibrate as lights were spreading out from the top of the stone pillar. A ray of light shined slowly creating an image. "Skuleth accepting work.. starting immediately." A mirror image showed of himself as he looked away from the hologram. "Accepted, please proceed." A messaged showed as the hologram dissolved as a replica was created out of shadow and light. The darkness showed along it self in a form of a picture frame. It absorbed into the picture frame with the light changing around showing name of the place along the top of the frame as it glowed in the different colored darks and lights. Inside the picture frame a scenery shot of the spot the portal would take him.

Standing in front of the portal, looking back up again at the name above. 'Crystalis' "You have got to be kidding me.. this is the place that." Staring at the name, with great disgust. "THIS?!" He roared out angrily, his tail whipping back and forth behind him, smashing the ground into a small crater. Standing in front of the portal as his claws were balled up into fists, his whole body shaking out of anger. "W-why here?!" He grumbled to himself before, unwillingly taking the slip that turned into a colored crystal like shard, from the stone. Placing the slip in his pocket, walked through the portal to the other-side, "No, wonder. Why it, wouldn't matter. If I'd rampage around, they all deserve nothing but to suffer." Stepping onto ground as his claws dug into the stone path with each step. Noticing a single chest on a platform, "You're what, I'm suppose to be around, huh? At least. It won't annoy me while, I do this." His claws entangled with each other as he stood in front of the chest before turning around and sitting down on the top of the chest. "I'm here again. Imma kill him next time, I see him rip apart each limb, he can muster."

Sitting upon a chest, "Hero's.. Ugh nasty vermin, killing things all the time. Always messing up my lives. Why do I have to help them now?!.. change of pace bah.. we'll see." Glaring at the entrance to the room, his eyes burning with rage. "I hate waiting!!.." he yelled out with a roar, "What's taking so long, I want this done and over with!" Growling as he grumbled to himself. Closing his eyes for a moment, before passing out, as he hadn't slept in decades. Snoring, before coiling himself around the chest resting, his head along the platform and chest. "... I'll have my revenge.. good guy?" He slept heavily as his chest rose and fell, time stood still as he slept for the first time in a long time. His body seemed to relax this was the part of the job he enjoyed, finally being able to sleep before wrecking havoc. His eye twitched, 'must do a good job.. I can't fail.' He spoke softly holding onto the chest with a tight grip. His wing slowly outstretched covering up the chest as if was about to cling to it for dear life. 'We lose our home if we fail..' His voice began to change, having a conversation with himself in his sleep. 'I'll get us through this..' 'You?' there was a long pause as his breathing increased for a moment before his last breath came out slow and easy. Laying on the chest his body froze in time guarding over the treasure chest, almost like a statue, his body didn't move an inch.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Bags and whistles Chapter 1

The moon light shined down upon the mountain side landscape a soft glow of fire lanterns were glowing up pathways that seemed to end in a point, the other end out of sight. A large ancient temple covered in moss, a soft breeze blew across the tree's stopping for a moment. a soft tune came from the temple, calling and tempting those that hear the sound. Have been seen going missing, talking nonsense, gibberish in tongues. If they cross the lanterns beasts have been seen acting strange. Those that knew never tread near such a horrifying place. A small leather bag had flopped around along the path before colliding with the entrance of the temple as a bolt shot down electrifying the bag. It didn't stop and continued rolling at a alarming speed. A few leaves blew around with static from the electric passing through as the bag rolled. Arriving at the entrance of the ancient temple and slowed down only to stop in front of a small table. The belt untied into small pieces as the bag was dissolving into dust around the being inside. A light brown and dark brown patterned teddy bear with two red and gold eye buttons. A black top hat over one of its ears. A small necklace of three different collared beads held together with silver thread. Standing at one side of the table, looking around as it adjusted the hat. Shifting a bit in the seat as it sat down upon the stone.

In fact another did show up and had been watching over the area with such curiosity. a slight touch was tingly to this creature, seeing the other going through with such ease. Pushing through hesitant at first before pushing through the lanterns crackled. A cloud puffed up above the lanterns before settling down with a soft blow of the wind against the ground moving quickly towards the ancient temple. the cloud floating around inside before settling down on the other side of the table. The cloud began forming into itself as a horned skull arouse from the cloud like mist. A moment of silence was dew as a the teddy bear sat up lifting it's arm up towards the skull settling down on the other side of the table. The teddy bears paw slammed on the table, "You're late, your paying this time!" His voice was demanding as it was soft. The skull shifting from side to side and began to growl, a green cloud began Shifting into itself forming into a horned skull. Some of the horns were rotted out and hollow,A bit of cloud began coming out of its mouth as the words were soon visible in the air. "You know, I haven't been getting much work.. Why don't we celebrate?" 

"Nope... but since I am such a great host.. I was waiting for you, before ordering." The teddy bear narrows his button eyes. "So.. what did you need to talk with me about?" The skull smile widened, ".. I know that look, what is it?" the teddy bear narrowed his eyes even more, skulls eyes glowed a soft green. "Well you know, how I said I haven't gotten much work?.. well haha more like none at all.." the skull fell upon the table. The teddy bear laughed. "Yeah, Right!.. You? Come on." The teddy bear gestured to the skull and then the air, "What happened to all the stories?" The skull stayed still as a moment of silence seemed to fall around them. The teddy bears arms, slowly lowered down as did his head slowly, ".. So it's true, then. huh?" The skull light up with a half hearted cackle, as its teeth snapped with each cackle. Silence continued before next to the table the ground shook. In a flash of soft light, both of them were gone disappeared out of the temple.

The skull, teddy bear lifted up as a body began to form in the light for a instant for them both before they were gone. Lifting up a paw as he coughed some rubbing his face, scratching against the skull with large claws. Five horns coming out of the skull, the light began shifting and turning to a reptilian slit eye jade and emerald colored eyes. His body coated in a cloak as his head stayed unhidden. Leather and steel armor covered his body with a soft fur around the torso and around the thighs. His skull was itching causing him to scratch and rip into his skull. "You know if you needed help with getting by you know we are always hiring. You could.." The teddy bear standing tall towering over the half skeletal corpse dragon, "No thanks.. nothing you can do,, just didn't think it would... like this,.." The corpse dragon replied teddy bear leaned over and smacked the others arm gently causing it to pop out of socket. The dragon placing its arm back into place, "Then here is to making it back to the top, right?" The eyes stared deeply at the teddy bears soft hazel brown eyes. ".... you know you should be killed with fire..." The dragon narrowed his eyes as the teddy bear as they both grinned and laughed. "TO THE TOP!" They both raised imaginary cups before laughing some more.

The table and objects around them were of a tea house, both placing their hands on the table in front of them. "TO THE TOP! Reservation for 2." 'Confirmed' the table illuminated as the décor began to move and shift around soon showing a hot plate stone table in front of them. Two cups filled with mist and fog. placing each other created different types of food on the hot plate. "You sure about this?" The dragon looked at the bear, "Go ahead.. besides I think I have a job perfect for you.. hell might even work out for me too if were lucky haha." A eye narrowed some at the bear. "Oh? well then I accept, but you know what I like so.. best be ready to pick up the bill"  The bear smiled, "Well duh, whose got the money to pay for this," Tep began laughing. "now stop hogging" Each using their claws to slice and place down parts of mist and fog over the table. As they placed the first layer down over the table, more cups began to appear around them, filled with a different element. The hotplate began to sizzle as a savory aroma began to come from the steam from the hotplate. The bear began pulling with his claws against some of the layer they put down. The dragon watched, "You know your going to under cook yours.." the bear grumbled, "I know how I like it, so this is how I make it.. make it your way and I'll make it my way." The dragon scuffed with a smirk, "Will do, will do.." A moment came before a smirk widened on the dragons face "well since this is a celebration.."

The bear looked over as his eyes widened, "What?.. hey celebration not go all out."  The dragon back to pour down different elements onto his side of the hot plate. "NOPE! T-TOO LATE!" The table rumbled and sizzled even more, as the elements were swirling around colliding together. "WHAT THE HELL?!..." The bear sat there in shock as he narrowed his eyes before closing them with a growl before standing up and began pouring more elements onto his side. "TO THE TOP!!!!" The two began feasting hungrily, after fourteen refills on elements the bear leaned back holding his bulgy belly, "Oh.. that's it.. you win I'm done.. wipe my card I'm out." The other on his 20th refill as his body seemed to piece together little by little. A tear coming out of his eye, feeling himself starting to heal up even more. Having been rotting for so long, half of his body was soon formed. Holding a piece of meat in his mouth, only to lay on the ground in bliss with more of the food on himself than in his stomach. The bear grunted and sat up. "... Yeah ..To the top.." Both half hearted raised their arm up before putting them back down. "but I can only help you much as I can.. when I can you know that." The dragon slurped the piece of meat into his mouth, "Just tell me about the job.. what is it and how much we talking about for this?" The dragon glared sitting up cleaned up his face with a few wipes of his tongues slithering out of his mouth.

"That never makes me grossed out when you do that. Jobs a easy one.. but of course there's a catch."

"When isn't there" The dragon grunted as his body was almost completely form, "Right? Any-way it's a easy in and out job.. and I couldn't think of anyone else than you to make it happen."

"Easy and in and out never ends well.. that goes double for me remember?" The dragon slammed his tail against the ground as it shook. "Hey now don't need you making us banned from this place too.." The whole building shook, as he lifted up his tail quickly. The dragon had some of the staff and patrons up and roaring, the dragon apologized quickly for his disturbance, as there were other occupants. "I'm sorry, very sorry, didn't mean to cause any alarm." In the small holes in the rocks of the ancient temple were hundreds and thousands of tiny tea house rooms with a large view of a mountain side. The staff in each room were calling for quiet.. The dragon lowered himself down to the ground. "Sorry, sorry sorry, everyone I-... Yes, I will tread more lightly. Yes, yes, I will be leaving soon, soorry .. yaa-yes haha maybe next time.. yes, yes." 

The bear watched The dragon reassuring the staff and other patrons, before everything seemed to calm down. The dragon looked down at the food and the floor some in shame. "Alright, I guess we can go. Don't worry, I got some carry out for you." The skull dragon smiled happily, "You do care.. you old care be-" "You speak one more word you will be in more pain than you can dream of." The skull dragon chuckled nervously, "Tep the.. CARE BEAR!" The skull dragon bolting out of the door with the take-out sprinting into a large passage opening up into a old and tranquil tavern and village. The bear growled and began to run after him before being stopped by staff requiring payment for their meal. The Tep's eyes twitch as he held his paws in rage, before taking a breath. "Yes.. I'll be paying for the carry out and him as well." Sighing softly before placing his paw upon the bill as it glowed a soft purple.

The dragon walked down the main path through, the town taking his time with a big smug smirk on his face eating a small piece of food from the carry out. "Oh that's good.." Drooling a bit holding a slice of meat up to his nose. "I will savor you and make sure you go to a good place fantastic and amazing places.." The bottom and top of his head began to turn a slight purple with a bit of smoke coming from his jaws. His lips broke off a piece of the meat. "Oh ... tender.. good to me.." The piece he had in his mouth almost as if it dissolved over his tongue with a happy and blissful smile spread across his lips.  Everyone looked away from him as he passed, he could hear their whispers and murmurs as he passed. Holding the carry out bag in his arms a bit closer. "I hope you plan on sharing.. Skuleth" Tep walked up behind him before walking beside Skuleth smirked with a bit of meat hanging out the corner of his mouth. Soon shaking his head, "Yeah, that's fine by me.. but anyways so the job starts soon and they need someone to help out with some..." Tep placed his paws on his chin, "Someone more capable than myself to go and help them out." Tep continued as they walked passing by other beings of many shapes and sizes.

Skuleth was quiet and listened carefully to the job. "Ha.. more capable than you? what poor sucker would believe that?" Out of the city of 'Naconorton' as Tep and Skuleth continued down a path leading down into a valley. Tep, Skuleth still talking as Tep filled Skuleth in on the job it didn't take them long before they arrived at the marshlands. The marsh territory laid deep in the valley, the two continued down a path quick for a moment until they reached the swamp waters. "So the job is super easy.. trust me. I'd do it myself but." Gestures to the bag hanging off his side, wrapped around his body with a leather strap. Skuleth glancing down at the bag and shuttered. "I still don't get why, you want me to do this job. This is something your kind are suitable to do." Tep shook his head with a chuckle, "Well you said you needed some work.. Well this will be out of your expertise but I think you would do great... Besides if it doesn't work out, apparently this place you could.. run amuck and it wouldn't change anything important."

Tep grinned a fang peeking out of the side of his lips. Skuleth chewed turning his attention to the swamps watery surface, noticing a flower starting to bloom out. He stopped to watch it for a moment before swallowing what he had in his mouth "Won't change anything important huh? That's.. what concerns me... How bad can this place be?" Tep walked over to a log and sat down on top of a mossy spot. "A place that is in need of a hero." Holding the takeout box in his claws looking through it once more, "So, who has the villain in this place? You didn't say who, will these heroes end up fighting against. If not someone like me?" Tep leaned back crossing his arms in front of him, with a smirk. "Can't give out that information, besides this is still in the works. So sooner and longer your there.. the better the payout will be in the end." Skuleth narrowed his eyes at Tep leaning back a bit, "Yeah, I guess." Skuleth opening up the take-out box, taking out a slice of bread. Slipping the slice into his mouth letting his tongues rip it apart as it moved along down his throat.

 "It would be good to get back into the swing of things.. but heroes? really? You know, I will probably just kill them instead of helping them, right?" Tep sighed with a groan and shrugging a bit while placing his paws on his lap some. "Not my call besides say's its fine so.. Why not give them a chance first and if they aren't up to fluff then do what you want. Until, the right heroes show up or when someone comes to take over for you. Besides might be what you need." Skuleth started walking into the waters as the murky waters shifted, "Fi-ine, I'll do it need the job anyway." grumbling some at the thought. The take out box in-between his claws while, he submerged deeper into the waters. "When would be soon enough? Rather get this over with and be done with it." Tep nodded and hopped up off the log as Skuleth moved to the waters and followed Skuleth into the water.

 "Oh well, that's the beauty of this.. anytime night-day so sooner is better." Both walking and talking under water to each other. Soon only two of Skuleth's horns could be seen, moving around at the waters surface. "So it's a trap?" Skuleth stopped and looked at Tep, "Hm? Trap? No, it isn't a trap? How can this job be a trap?" Skuleth continued to walk beside Tep. "I know a trap when I hear it.. it's all just off. some hero is going to get to be and befriend and I'm suppose to go along and help them regardless of, 'if' they die by me or another?" Tep shook his head as they walked along the bottom of the swamp. "No, you can only kill them if they aren't up to fluff, and you are to keep them alive from others. So, think of it as a escort service moving the merchandise ..'the hero' to its destination protecting them, along the way." Tep explained while lowering his body some to get around a root of a tree. Walking down a path towards the roots connected to the ground forming houses, a small abandoned village as they continued down along the path.

 "Anything, I need to bring with me?" Skuleth asked while reaching a root house covered in various types of moss, and various planet bulbs in various places. "Well bring something that would help in their journeys, but less you bring more you get for your Shard, ya know?" Touching against a patch of moss as the door shifted into a curtain of moss letting them through easily. "So leave everything here and bring what you need." Stepping into the house, and walked into the hallway. They walked in drying off in a instant. Tep ran over to a large chair as it had a indent of Skuleths back body on it and jumped into it, "Ah! You still have this old thing!" Skuleth blinked noticing where Tep was and pointed at Tep, "Careful don't ruin my spot with your fat ass" Tep laughed and nodded, getting back up. "Yeah, well here this is for you.." Reaching into the bag and pulled out a small slip placing it on the table. "Here is the slip so since you need the work.. I'm sure you will get this done quick besides your doing me a favor."

 Skuleth looked at the slip and took it in between his claws lifting it up to his face to read it. "What's wrong need glasses hmm?" Tep smirked a bit, "I DO NOT! You people's writing is so tiny.." Skuleth grumbled reading the slip mumbling to himself as he was reading it. "Alright looks legit.." Skuleth narrowed his eyes some before looking at Tep. "So a favor huh.. then you would owe me.. you know that right?" Tep nodded looking serious as he looked to Skuleth. "Yeah.. I'm okay with that for this.. I really need you to handle it for me." Skuleth leaned against the wall and placed the slip back on the table. "Alright, thanks for the food.. You should head on then since your busy. Wouldn't want you to be late." Skuleth said with a soft smile.

 "Thanks.. Remember to do your best. I'll be checking in when I can." Tep said still looking serious, Skuleth rolling his eyes some before gesturing towards the door, "Yeah, I'll let you think about it.. remember any time." Tep stood up patting Skuleth shoulder some, heading out the door, "I also have some stuff coming for you so enjoy." Skuleth sat at the table. "Alright, thanks for letting me know." Tep walking out through the curtain of moss swaying against the water behind it. Skuleth watched him leave before looking back at the table and then the single slip that rests on the table. Staring at it trying to think of when to go. "Easy job.. change of pace.. it's a trap. He can blow smoke all he wants, I'm sure. I'm right but I can't afford to be right or wrong.." Sighing heavily and laid his head on the table a bit staring at the slip. Thinking of the pay out and the benefits it would include. Glancing over at everything he had, "How long will I be gone?" Thinking of the first day arriving in this place, he would call home. "My home.. We have been through a lot haven't we?"

Looking around the kitchen remembering, in flashbacks of good times in this room then the bad times. His paws laid palm down on the rough table surface. "I'm sorry, you had to go through those things with me.. But thank you for always sheltering me, when I needed warmth, and when I needed to cool down you had me even then. As I sit here I know you'll always be here for me when I need you.. but do you need me as I do you? I am not a good resident I try but I always end up breaking things. I don't want you to scream and run away in fright." Stopping for a moment and smiled with a glow coming from his eyes "You held me kept me safe at night. All I did was live within you. Please oh please here my cry, Thank you, I never wanna hear good bye, but that day I believe is growing near.." His head hung low glancing at a letter a single floating piece of parchment. In strange writing, it was clear with an amount with a currency symbol of a dragon head.

 It was a letter stating that the whole neighborhood was being destroyed, unless the amount was collected "Please wait for me I'll pay I swear, I'll go through the depths of any realm only to have to you.. Some place that" His eyes glowed some as his forehead began to sizzle as the glowing turned into a soft green neon flame with forehead blue horned tips. "I can go to unwind from the worlds, I have been to.. Dimensions portals far and wide no place is like no place I know.. it's you home.." Taking a deep breath, reaching over to his side pulling a small pebble of jade, glowing in between his fingers. Twisting and spinning the pebble around through his fingers. "I have a bit from the last job. I can make it last long as I can.." Placing the pebble down on the table next to the slip. The table glowed slightly before the table showed a swamp ripple as moss and water lily's bloomed along the sides of the table. Text's began appearing along the table, ".. Let's see what we missed." Text of news, of different articles, using his claws to navigate through what he read for a few moments before tapping the table.

 The screen disappeared as his claw placed on the table. "Same thing.. nothing changes.." Drawing a heavy sigh looking out the window at the fish and murk of the water shinning like gold. "But I will do everything, I can to keep this home.. I have made it. Finally." Clenches his claws into a fist and let out a soft roar, as the walls shook some. "Heh.. one day I'll shout out loud and My home will be able to take it." Smiling happily, "My home.." Taking another heavy sigh holding his chest coughing a bit, slowly breathing. "Ha.. woo hah.. alright come on we got this.." sitting up a bit more stretching out a bit leaning his body against the wall and everything he could. Wings sprouting from his back and began to wrap around his body letting his wings and body relax as the room got small with his body taking up most of the home. "At least I can stretch out some."

 Holding his form for a moment before shrinking down and coughed. "A-Ugh.. Okay might need a bit more room.. don't worry, I'll fix you up, where we both can live comfortably.." His claws touched over the top of the table staring at the slip on the table still. A loud thud came from outside as a crate was thrown through his doorway. Spinning around before landing against the wall of the hallway, a lock began to glow around the crate locking with a loud click. The skeleton began to form around the crate as it turned into a casket. A soft yellow came from the skeleton on top of the casket as the rest of began to give off a light green color. A note hanging from the side of the casket,

"From: Your best friend,

Thanks again, for doing this. You are the best friend, someone like me could ever have. I mean that, even if I am not from your world. Thank you, for being there for me. Now it's my turn, to return the favor.

'~(^.0__0.^)~`+To the top!'~(^.0__0.^)+~`
