
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Bags and whistles Chapter 5

A yellow and blue illuminating flower was shining giving the table across from the chair light showing more chairs and other forms of seating as it was all made out of the tree's roots and leaves. Looking around inside of the tree more as Tep looked at everything. He was still in shock soon stopping next to Husian and looked at him, as the cloak was gone only looked away from him for a moment. "Where the?" Tep turned around to see the cloak was hovering right above him. "Oh hey their bud." Looking up at the cloak having a very uneasy feeling, moving out from under the cloak as it seemed to follow him where he moved. "How ya doing? You ready to go home?" The cloak slowly lowered down beside Tep hoovering it's hood tilted looking down at Tep.

Husian turned to look at Tep and the cloak, "Oh good your both here, head on outside and you'll meet up with everyone." The cloak waved its sleeve before floating towards outside. Tep looked confused, but looked at Husian for a moment then turning around wobbling outside following behind the cloak. "Careful, that thing is more treacherous than you can imagine." Husian said softly, looking at the cloak not letting it out of his sight. Leaving the tree the cloak continued towards where more people were gathered. Tep was following behind quickly keeping a close watch on the cloak, 'Who is that? Why were they in the chest? More importantly, WHERE IS SKULETH!?' Tep softly sighed to himself, wobbling a bit faster chasing after the cloak.

Most of the people were gathered, as most of the males and females were cooking. Others were watching over the children playing with them, teaching them about crafting. Tep was soon staring at them all watching them helping one another. The cloak kept wondering about also watching the people of the village. A fight broke out with the children as the parents stood by and watched. They didn't break up the fight until it was getting serious. Taking the children away on by one as each parent seemed to take their child and tend to their wounds. Not a word was said amongst the parents although the children yelled at each other for a moment before it fell silent.

Tep rushing over to each child, parent. "Are they okay? Do you need anything?" He asked each parent but none took his offer of help.  "Thank you, but this is just a little rough play." One of the parents said with a chuckle, "We may not look it, but each of us would lay down our life for the other... We may fight each other, but all we have is each other." Tep stood there in silence for a moment trying to wrap his head around the reason, "You fight, your friends and family?" Two of the children that were fighting the most, "Of course? If we can kick their butts, then whoever tries to kick their butt! We'll kick theirs!" A grin and snicker came from Tep listening to the children as the adults agreed and laughed, 'Friends that fight sometimes huh? Sounds like a certain someone I know haha..

Tep looked at the child with a fang missing, as he chuckled some. "Ah, I see well, just a question.. but why not talk out with one another? I don't mean to be rude just curious." Husian stood behind Tep, "I will answer that one Tep." Tep jumped as he quickly turned around, looking past Husian. "How did you?" Tep asked before shaking his head some. "Oh yes, yes please go ahead." Husian raised a brow, "Anyways.. We do not commit to violence to solve everything, we do speak it out. One way is to talk it out while you both fight each other."

"Another is to talk it out first to find a way to solve the problem and if neither one can compromise then no other party shall interrupt their dispute. Once a agreement or a truce is made then the fight is over with. In some cases until the other party is knocked out." Tep stared at Husian narrowing his button eyes slightly with a eyebrow raised, 'I don't think you are one for failing in a dispute, I really don't want to fight him.' Husian tilted his head some noticing Tep's expression towards him, "What?"

Tep shook his head some waving his paw slightly, "Nothing, alright what if it's a case of just picking on and beating up the weak?" Husian sighed lowering his shoulders down some as if a heavy weigh was placed on his shoulders, "If that is the case, then I pray they find the strength to get stronger in both mind and body. But they will most likely going to keep getting hurt until they do get stronger some way." Tep looked in horror at the logic behind it, "Doesn't health mean anything?" Husian nodded with a soft smile, "Greatly, but look around you we are not in the city. Any form of healing is far away from us. So we must do what we must to heal those we have and try to teach what we have to the future." Husian gestured to each different species of the village that was nearby. "We are not welcome in any city no form of healing will accept us."

"Besides, a fight must be agreed upon by both parties.. so even if it was the case if one of parties goes to Skuleth he will make both parties sit down with him as a third party." Tep stared at Husian, "UH? what?! YOU SAID HE WAS DEAD?! WHERE IS HE!" Tep yelled out and began looking around, Husian picked up Tep quickly by the back of his head. "I told you he is dead!" Tep flailed around as he grew as large as Husian. "Tell me where he is then!" Tep twisted around standing eye to eye with Husian, a large teddy bear with a thick muzzle and fangs coming out of his laced mouth. His button eyes glowing a black flame, Husians paw let him go and stared deeply into Teps eyes. "I told you boy. he is. dead. do not make me say it again."

A tear began to form in Husians eyes icy blue eyes turning a little paler. Tep slowly started to frown his fangs going back into his mouth as he stared into the tears in Husians eyes before looking around everyone seemed to be very quiet with their heads hung low. "W-what? but you said they go to him to?" Husian gestured further into the village. "Fine.. we will go see him so you'll understand." Tep gripped his bag and nodded, "Yes.. I would like to see him soon as possible." Tep kept the bag close, as he followed Husian. The cloak floating around in the air tilting its hood curiously, following behind Tep. 

Tep looking back at the cloak, "Oh thank god.. I if I can get the both of you out of here.. the fastest the better.." His grip on his bag became firmer. 'And maybe, they will be happier' Husian walked along with Tep staying the same size as him, with a cloak following beside Tep. "Hey, when this is over wanna get something to eat? my treat the both of you, we will all really chow down. After this. don't worry You'll get something out of this, I'm not sue what but we can always work out something." Tep reached out his paw to the cloak, the hood leaned to the side before putting its sleeve over Teps arm. "Uh.. this.. is how you." Tep gently touched the sleeve, "There.. it's a deal than." The sleeve slapped, Teps arm lightly, "Ha.. I don-" Husian interrupted clearing his throat as he gestured to a sign. "We are here."  Tep turned to look at the sign quickly, "okay." Moving his arm away and took a deep breath walking a bit closer.


{Skuleth Hero and protector we honor your sacrifice}

Rereading the sign a few times falling to his knees staring at the sign. "They made a sign for ya bud.. You got to be a hero after all." Tep gripped the bag and held it in his arms, shaking not from the rain falling but from the last time they had with each other. "I'm so sorry... I'm so so sorry. Oh.. What am I going to tell them, I can't go home like this..." Tep shivered some in thought about having to talk to any one of his relatives. "Ugh, that's a scary thought to see any of those to show up.." A beak slammed into Teps head sending him firmly into the ground, making his body shrink down to a small size. Squank! came out of a large bird like creature with sharp talons. A soft pale yellow color with a warm red marking on the sides of it's head. Shifting its feathers a bit as he sat down with his feet under him. Squank.

Tep laid there on the ground. "I've been peaked by a bird.. chased after, threatened, humiliated, yelled at..." he sighed softly, "Finding out one of your best friends is gone.." Tep stared at the sky, "I'm fine with that.. sure more.. Why not lets pile on more for the day.." The cloak leaned its hood over Teps body looking down at him. "And then there's you.." The bag began to move some, Teps paws covered the hole. "NO.. no no no uh uh.. BUSY I'll talk to you later!" The bag stopped moving, his paws shook some as he sniffled some before flailing on the ground bouncing back onto his feet. "WHAT AM I WORRIED FOR?! haha oh oh that's a good one.. haha oh phew I almost believed it haha." Holding onto his bag as Husian shook his head watching Tep lowering his head some. "This is Skuleth.. he protects these lands.. he is not 'the' Skuleth.. but this creature has been protecting these areas for a very long time, so as did the Skuleth before he protects his home."

Tep looked at the bird soon standing back up dusting himself off. "Skuleth huh? Well if we are talking about the same one." Husian looked at Tep, as he stepped closer looking over the large bird, his eyebrows narrowed, "You have a lot of filling for those large feet of yours! I personally know a Skuleth. An let me tell you something, if you really are named after the one I know, then you have some big time shoes to fill.. You hear me Bird! Skuleth was a massive dragon one of the best! He could crush you with a flick of his wing! You are nothing compared to him you understand me! You protect his home?!" Staring at the bird hating it for having his name, stomping his way around Skuleth looking over the bird while insulting it before reaching its front once more.

"If so much as one thing breaks or someone die's on his home, you best watch your back cause I will show you no mercy. You under stand with the tiny brain of yours!" Tep was raging as he couldn't help himself, but he was also impressed and amazed wanting Skuleth to see this if he only could, they made a sign and have a guardian named after him. Tep shook his head and laughed a bit, "Oh right he can't be dead.. this just means my job just got a little easier, he should be home by now." The bag began to shake, Tep stood still before opening up the bag some with his head held high turning away from Skuleth with his head held high he walked around some talking to the bag.

"Hey I was about to talk to you al-" Tep was interrupted by Jane screaming out at him, "Where was the job located?" Tep leaned back some hearing the yelling "HUH?" Katt leaned over some looking at Tep,  "The job.. the job you sent him to where was the job located?" Tep looked at Katt and looked away some, "It doesn't matter he should be home soon." Almost immediately someone burst out yelling, "BURNED NUGGETS COMING HOME?!" a very excited child's voice came from the bag "HOW SOON?! SOON" A pair of paws were bouncing around excitedly, "Yes soon Lillion.. how soon Tep?" Rain asked trying to calm Lillion down.

Tep clearing his throat some. "Uh well, should be real soon he might be there already so rest as-" Autumn stepped forward looking out of the bag some "Where was the job Tep" Tep stared at Autumn for a moment then looked at the sign and then at Skuleth, "Take Lillion out of the room, and I'll tell you." There was silence before Tiger looked to Lillion, "Let's go greet him, if we are lucky we can surprise him when he arrives." Lilion's eyes lite up as she looked at Tiger before running to the door with Tiger following behind, out of the room.

"Skully's home!" as she had a burst of energy and laughing running down the halls running to Skuleths home in the swamp waters. Tiger closing the door behind them ran after Lillion, only to stop her at the waters edge. "Mrs... You'll need to come with me.." Tiger opened up her front end as Lilion jumped inside of her flailing around with joy. "Skully's home!!.. come on Tigerrrr Burn nuggies home!" Tiger closed around her cushioning her making her way down into the depths of the swamp waters to Skuleths home. Lillion smiled she had grown up some, Tiger carried her inside of her. The water was around them but Lillion was perfectly fine breathing and moving around with tiger mimicking the way she walked.

Lillions squealed, eyes widened seeing around under water. "So.. coool." She happily said trying to move Tigers legs faster. "Come on TIGER.. Fassster!!" Tiger smirked a bit as she moved a bit faster making their way to his home. Stopping at the seaweed door, "do.. we knock?" Tiger asked as Lillion bounced some, "GO IN GO IN!" Tiger rolled her eyes, "MR. SKULETH IT'S US TIGER AND LILION.. WE'RE COMING IN..." waiting for a reply before slowly walking into the home, as soon as it was alright Lillion jumped out of Tiger and began running around his home.

"SKULLETH! BURN NUGGIES!! IT'S ME LILLION!!" Tiger walked around his home looking at how it was kept during his absence. "..Perhaps a bit of cleaning?" Lillion began to cry in Skuleths room. Tiger ran into the room having a cold chill come over her frame. "LILLION WHATS THE MATTER?!" Lillion laid on the bed wiggled around, "His dent isn't there no more." Tiger sighed and fell to her knees thinking Lillion had hurt herself. "Oh.. well when he gets back there will be a dent in his bed again.. promise.. Why are you sad about that anyway?

"Cause, he's so cool and big makes all the scary monsters run away.." Tiger smiled tears began to fall from Lillions eyes. "he's not coming back is he?" Tiger quickly rushed over to Lillion crawling along the floor and held her in her arms. "Shh no no don't say that.. He's just not home yet.. Tep said he would be home soon." Tiger rubbed Lillions head lightly accidently pulling her hair with her mechanical fingers. "Sorry.. Remember he promised to come back so we just have to wait.. he works a lot so he's gone but I'm sure this will be the last time he will be leaving for a long time.. haha remember he still has his surprise when he gets back."

Lillion nodded wiping her eyes some, "Not home yet, right! but I hate waiting" Puffing out her cheeks annoyed to have to wait. Tiger picking up Lillion, carrying her into the living room area sitting down in his seat. His imprint was gone, "I hope he doesn't mind us sitting in his chair for a moment as we wait." Lillion leaned her head on the chair as Tiger leaned back rocking them both slowly. A few claws slowly emerged from the seaweed a parting it open. A dark shadow entered into the home, soon being cast near Tiger and Lillion.

Meanwhile "He's dead in this world, or it is someone with his name.. either way he should be home by now, if not then he is off running around somewhere." There was silence after Tep waited for Lilion to be out of the room to share what information he had. Jane hissed and began yelling at Tep, "What was the location Tep! If he was dead, we'd know about it." Tep growled roaring back at her, "Crystalis was the location now he'll be home it doesn't matter anymore so give it a rest!" Tep groaned rubbing his head some, "Why are you so obssessive with the location. it'll be fine it's Skuleth we are talking about..

Jane grabbed ahold of the liner of the bag staring daggers at Tep "Tep you're a idiot, a fool, a lousy friend and a FRIEND KILLER!!" Jane was ranting insulting Tep with everything she knew of in any and all different languages. "Tep this is Rain?.. please.. say the location again." Tep blinked in confusion staring at Jane and then to Rain, "The hell's Janes problem now?!" Tep throwing his arms up growling a bit, "Please Tep just say the location again?" Rain would stand in front looking at Tep, "Crystalis... I don't know what Jane is so-" Tep grumbled a bit throwing his paws in the air before slamming them down on the bag. "Tep.."

Rain spoke with a lump in her throat. "Yeah, what Rain? You alright?"  Tep looked at Rain a bit concerned, "Tep... that's his reign world. and we all know once you go back to your reign world.. the hero who slayed you will also be reborn and it will repeat over again." Tep stood there for a moment, "Yeah an-" like a light bulb clicked on in his brain, "H-h.. how was I suppose to know that? But this time he was suppose to be a hero and look!" Lifting his bag showing the sign and the bird to them. "So.. he should be home he was a hero!" Tep button eyes went wide thinking about it as he began to shake showing the sign and the bird over and over again.

"The job was a flop remember.. he's gone for real this time." Rain would said softly holding her shirt, as the others around were standing around with their heads down. Tep stood there froze staring at the sign and the bird. "S-skuleth.. h-he can't die, he's.. Skuleth." The cloak hood peeked over Teps body and looked at the bag and seeing the girls inside. Waving his sleeve some at the bag, "Whose that?" "Tep? What's going on over there? What's the bird for?" Husian leaned over some also curious about the bag, "The sign is a monument to Skuleth a brave hero who protected this land.. till his last. the bird, they named Skuleth cause it made these lands its territory, protects this area and these people.. so in honor they named the bird after him."

 There was silence before the girls stared at the bird. "Well I guess it's kinda cute.. What do we tell Lillion and Tiger?" Autumn asked while leaning against the bag some. The girls mutter to each other, before Autumn notices Husian, "Oh well.. hellooo.." She said looking at Husian with a smirk along her face. "Mhm.. miss.." He snarled looking away the bag with a grumble focusing on brushing Skuleths feathers. Autumn stared at him her tail swaying back and forth a soft growl in her throat. "MMmmhmm." Rain pushing Autumn out of the way. "Stop it, this isn't the time." Tep closed the bag on all of them, putting it back around his waist sitting on the wet ground, his head hung low.

 "I thank you Hus.. I think we will be leaving in the morning." He couldn't lift his head staring at the ground, as the cloak hovered above Tep sheltering him from the rain that was falling heavier from above. "I-i killed my best friend." Husian stared down at Tep. "I wouldn't say you sent him to his death sentence but you gave him what he always wanted. To be a hero even if it was once.. to the top. as he would say." Tep fell to his knees at the mention of that phrase as tears started flowing out of his eyes. "Skuleth.. I-i'm so sorry"

 Skuleth peaked at Teps head slamming him repeatedly into the ground. Tep didn't fight back as his body laid limp letting whatever punishment he was going to face he was due. Only ten peaks of Skuleths beak slammed Tep into the ground. Husian tried to hold Skuleth back, "Hey thats enough.. stop.. Skuleth!" Squank! Skuleth called out before settling back down into the stable. His head bending back as he began grooming himself plucking unneeded feathers. Tep laid there in the water soaking it up with his fabric's, "Are you alright Tep?"

 Husian asked while standing next to the cloak. Tep shook his head, "No.. I don't think I will ever be." "So he is gone, even through your world?" Tep nodded laying face down in the mud. "I guess I will be ending my day's here then.. Not a bad exchange I'd say.." Husian sat down in front of the sign. "Why don't we forget all that for this once and enjoy the feast." Tep slowly sat up, before picking himself up walking back to the others. The cloak followed Tep, as Husian stood back up with a groan, "I'm getting too old for this." Following them back to the feast as they were done and making plates. Children ran around playing once again in the rain slipping and sliding in the mud. 

Adults and bigger children were running around with food. Tep watched them all play around as if they had no care in the world. Tep stopped before looking up at Husian, "Is it peaceful here all the time?" Husian shook his head, "Sometimes, but if Skuleth isn't here and away, If I wasn't here there would be nobody else to protect when he is gone.. we all know peace doesn't last forever. There will be days of hardship, but each day we make the most of it." A plate was given to both Husian and Tep, 

"Even if you weren't here I think just those who live here will take care of them all well enough.." Husian chuckled softly, "I hope so.. they are a hardy people, but I guess what I'm saying is. When I pass away, nobody will continue to look after their safety.. Their peace is why I stay, maybe a few more years before I will have to return to my home, but if I so happen to die here I won't have any regrets on my time here." Husian slowly eating from his plate as Tep looked at the plate and the food, "Well.. luckily I don't need to eat, so I guess this will be for you.

The cloak hung itself up in a tree, watching the feast going on in the rain adults and children laughing and dancing around in the rain. Tep watched everyone having a good time out in the rain. There were even a few couples that were seen rushing out of the rain to their own homes. Those that partied outside would howl and make random noises aloud. The feast continued into the late hours of the night Tep had joined in dancing with some of the villagers. 

Making odd sounds along with everyone, Husian sat in the rain his paw touching the sleeve of his shirt slowly touching along the fabrics. The feast didn't end until the glowing light mushrooms were a dim glow. Once the light was going out everyone had gone to their homes, Tep laid on the ground next to Skuleths memorial sign. Looking up at the sky rain drops falling onto his button eyes. "H-hey, it's me.. Tep.. you know.. ca-" Teps throat cleared as he coughed a bit "Tep the care bear." Skuleth ruffled his feathers waking up with a groan, stretching out his legs and wings. Standing up as the rain continued to fall it washed off the feathers and left him dry walked out of his shelter. 

Noticing some food had been left out for him. The rain rolling off his feathers each drop slid off his body, leaning his head down eating the food. "You were the only one I let get away with calling me that haha.. did you know that? I'm no care bear.. I don't qualify as one, besides they have more than enough. You always called me one though hah. You were the only one I let get away with it.. I ever tell you that?" He chuckled soaking in the rain into each stitch he had. Skuleth stood in front of the food, lowering his head down and ate the food left for him.

"Thanks for believing in me.. I-I never thought you'd actually die.. Like dead dead." Tep sunk a bit in the mud, laying still getting soaked. Covering himself in mud, his arm pushed some mud onto his body. "You're Skuleth! You've fought so many heroes, and villain's." He tried to smile letting the tears that were coming out from the buttons. "Who knew you'd have to climb both paths as a villian and look at you now.. you have helped so many here."  Skuleth lifted his head from the food swallowing the last bit. Having a bit of food hanging from the side of his mouth. Noticing Tep covering himself in mud.

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