
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Life styles of the poor and not famous

Waking from his slumber as he coughed heavily rubbing his throat before sitting up from the floor. Smacking his head upon a plate which was thrown at him. "Come on your going to be late.. and don't give me any of that I'm sick crap you need to get up and get to work." grumbling, to himself  "Ya.. ya.." as he stood munching on the meal that was scattered upon his forehead and face. Making his way to the bathroom grabbing a towel from the hallway closet, slinging it over his shoulder. Closing the door behind him locking it for some privacy turning on the water, as he unsnapped his pants as they dropped to the floor along with his boxers. Yawning once more before stepping into the shower the water was still cold.

His eyes shot open holding his breath for a moment frozen in time, before forcing himself into the rushing icy water. The warmth of his body mixing with the chill of the water spraying upon his body. His hands rubbing over his body trying to warm up all the parts of his body that felt the cold sting of the shower. His body was fighting the cold, as his mind was fighting the things that were attacking his brain. The door clicking as if opened letting out a silent sigh, "And who is this girl my friends have seen you around with and hanging all over?" The snapping voice of his girl cut the coldness of the water as if felt warmer now with her speaking. "She's a friend from work that was feeling blue so I thought perhaps she needed some cheering up.." Calmly speaking, grabbing the shampoo bottle pouring some shampoo in his hand before scrubbing his head. Her voice still out for blood, but a bit dulled out from the shampoo in his hair.

"What's it matter to you huh? You like her or something sleeping with her behind my back?! Huh!.. YOU CAN JUST LEAVE BE WITH HER!!" the slam of the door would be heard as she shouted. Lowering his head down letting the water clean his head opening up his eyes as he lifted his head up staring up at the ceiling. "Why.. why would I be with her.. I love her.. always every time everyday.. why does she not know I love her.." sighing heavily as he finished up cleaning himself. His mind going back years when they first met on the net he found this female and oh what fun they had with each other. His heart soared with each moment he had with her, not taking long he would travel up to her state to be with her. The dream of being with the one you love more than anything, now had come crashing down.

Looking at himself in the mirror frowning in his own eyes he could see himself on the floor crying as if he lost the only thing that was making him happy. Shaking the image from his mind, the bedroom they shared he let her have the bed as he laid upon the floor so she wouldn't be crowded upon the bed. The next room was a baby girl which he couldn't help, but smile when he seen her. Putting on his pants, walking to the bedroom after he dried off looking for a shirt from the floor. His clothing was in a backpack, crouching down looking for a clean shirt. He soon felt a small hand upon his back turning his head as he smiled wide. "Hey lil one.. love you  hmm?" her hand would reach out petting his long hair. "Heh.. daddies got long hair huh?" taking some of his hair and playfully dangling it in front of her.

Her little nose crunched up as her eyes closed laughing waving her arms around, her legs holding her up swaying back and forth before flopping down upon her bottom. "Heh daddies got to go to work.. ok?" grabbing a hair tie and putting his hair into a ponytail, grabbing a plain t-shirt. "You going to be a good girl for mommy hmm?" picking her up as he held her in his arms, his arms racing with so much pride as this little girl was his pride and joy. "You hungry.. hmm come on daddy, will fix you something to eat." Her giggles and large squeal only made him laugh, the high pitch noise she made was like music to him. "Heh well come on lets go see what momma's doing.."

His phone ringing in his pocket "Hmm? Hello?" He answered walking down the hallway with his daughter in his arms trying to grab his phone. Making him smile, the voice on the other end was his work, "Ya.. I'm coming in.. I'll be on my way here in a little bit.. let me finish feeding my lil one and I'll be on my way." chuckling as he shook his head. "Ha ha ha.. very funny.. no my daughter.. ya see ya." clicking off the phone as he placed it back in his pocket. Giving his daughter a little eskimo kiss, soon puffing out his cheeks making huffing sounds that came from his nose. She would stare at him with the most widest of smiles and began mimicking him.

Standing back up from putting her down, as he rubbed his back looking over at his love frowning as she was on the computer. He didn't look at what she was doing, as he leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. She moved her head away, frowning a bit standing up straight. "Love you.. see ya when I get off work." He said sadly before smiling down at his daughter kissing her on the forehead. "Daddy loves you too my little one.. be good.." Grabbing his backpack from the couch he headed out of the door. Her mumbled of words he only smiled and nodded, to him it was her way of saying 'love you too daddy see you later.'

Opening up the door as he looked once more at his loved ones. His daughter playing with her toys as his girlfriend on the computer doing whatever she wished. Closing the door as he headed off to work, the way there he could only think the worst about what she was doing. In his mind he always pushed it away he loved her and she loved him, it was getting harder and harder to find things that would show that he was loved as well. His heart sank, but the thought of his daughters smiles and laughs always cheered him up and made him smile even more. His health unknowing to him was growing worse with each day, working long hours and walking everywhere anytime of day and anytime of year. His work was three miles away from where he lived with his daughter and his girlfriend.

The nearest store that was open late was one of the wal-mart mega stores, which from his work was another six to five miles. Almost daily he would walk back and forth cloudy, sunshine, star shine, blizzard nothing stopped him from doing what was needed of him working to bring money in, also getting groceries to feed his small family. The good days were rare, but the bad days that gone from bad to worse were only increasing.

[wrote while listening to-
Nightwish "Nemo"
AC/DC "Dirty deeds"
Korn album 'issues']

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