
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Introduction of course

Good evening, people of all walks of life.. Name's Travis, but most my friends call me Ludo because well that is also my name. I'm a furry so my Fursona is Ludo so if you hear me say my name is Ludo well then it is get it? if not don't worry you can call me Travis if you wish. Yes, I know it is the name of a band and such and no I didn't pick the name because of them. Anyways I have name accounts on many sites, so if you wanna know if i'm the same Ludo from them then just ask me and I'll tell ya if it is or not. I am a gamer, male, Rp'er [Roleplayer] so if you wish to rp with me sometime all you need to do is get a hold of me and we can cook up something. I am a writer, working on many books at the moment can't seem to finish one without another getting started and doing multi-books at the same time is hard, but refreshing in a way. I write romance, adventure, futuristic/medieval/primal/modern times any era I can do, have done or willing to try out, dipped my foot in horror thou I dislike horror which usually upsets me well movies that is.. And of course I write a bit of smut every once in a while, but I like the story more than anything, but with a good story comes a better scene of passion. I am looking for work so if I don't post anything for a long time either means homeless again, got a job, can't think of anything to post, in the hospital again, etc etc. oh right I have a heart condition so kinda sucks and is hard work for me to keep a job well keep anything that is.. I am single shocking right? haha I have a daughter she will be turning 7 this Nov. just recently got glasses I am doing my best at what I can do and what I am able to do. Hmm.. what else?.. Oh I'm 5'9" long brown hair and goatee growing into a beard if I can't find a job soon enough. For some reason I feel like I'm on a dating website now hahaha. Well sure why not haha well I'm looking for someone with a brain on their shoulders. That can handle this crazy blue tiger. Oh wait forgot to say that haha

Age: 27
Height: 5'9"
Gender: Male
Species: Tiger
Fur: Blue and Black stripes

Hmm what else oh ya my sexual preference hmmm well ask I guess I don't really care much for it. Good at it yes, but don't care much for it. Well let's see I have many characters I've done over the years, which I remember when it was all the rage when It started on yahoo then ventured off and began into sites galore. I have found so many very good rp'ers worth finding time to have a time with. Oh tophats, love them would like to have one someday but perhaps a custom made one. Well if you need anything just get a hold of me some how and some how I will get back a hold of you.

"Everybody talks" my version

Leaning against the wall while listening to a mix of music in his headphones, opening up his eyes noticing a female friend that he hadn't seen in a long time, with a big smile waved. Soon walking over to her taking her paw into his pulling her over as he held her in a dancing formation. He cleared his throat a bit "Hey baby what you got to say," He held her paw in his, as his other paw was upon her waist. He began guiding her as they danced waltzing close to each other. "All you're giving me is fiction" His voice was soft and meaningful, they stepped back and to the side twirling her around "I'm a sorry sucker and this happens all the time, I find out that"  soon pulling her back against him, as they continued to dance close to each other.
"Everybody talks, Everybody talks, Everybody talks, Everybody talks" Leaning down and softly talking into her ear softly giving her a lick "It started with a whisper And that was when I kissed her And then she made my lips hurt I can even chit-chat" holding her even close as their bodies would press firmly against each other "Take me to your love shack Mama's always got a backtrack And everybody talks babe" giving her a deep kiss, before pulling back suddenly. "Hey honey you could be my drug" Dipping her down and holding her there for a moment. "You could be my new prescription Too much, get me an overdose"  Pulling her back up looking deep into her eyes, as his claws moving up the middle of her back scratching upward to the upper part of her back.
"All this stress talk make me itching" winking "On my mouth yeah everybody talks, Everybody talks, Everybody talks, Too much" licking gently along her cheek. "It started with a whisper And that was when I kissed her And then she made my lips hurt I can even chit-chat Take me to your love shack Mama's always got a backtrack And everybody talks babe" He continued to guide her around as they were dancing close. His tail flicking back and forth playfully. "Never thought I'd live to see the day When everybody's words got in the way" He began guiding her around move while he soon had her pinned against the wall."Hey sugar show me all your love All you're giving me is friction" Soon lifting her up and held her in his arms "Hey sugar what you got to say"
He soon gripped a hold of her waist with both paws tossing her up into the air before catching her in his arms, he gripped a hold of her before twirling her around on her feet. "It started with a whisper And that was when I kissed her And then she made my lips hurt I can even chit-chat" pulling her back close to his body as he once again began guiding her around as they danced his eyes locking into hers with each word and step of the dance "Take me to your love shack Mama's always got a backtrack And everybody talks babe" His voice sang softly to her as if it was just the two of them for the moment. "Everybody talks, Everybody talks, Everybody talks, It started with a whisper And that was when I kissed her Everybody talks, Everybody talks, Everybody talks, Yeah" kissing her once more, as the song ended. He stopped dancing as he just held onto her waist before pulling back out of the kiss and taking off his head phones.
 "Well hello my dear how you doing?"

"I believe in a thing called love" My version

The teddy bear wobbled over to its bag and pulled out a guitar. Its voice would change to go with the song. It began to play the guitar as the bag would start to move soon a stage began to come out of the bag filled with different colored teddy bears, “Can't explain all the feelings that you're making me feel… My heart's in overdrive and you're behind the steering wheel” Soon the bear began to move around with the guitar a bit as a platform come up and picked up the bear placing it on the stage, “Touching yoooou, touching meeeeee…touching you, god you're touching meee” Raising its head up to the sky as it was slowly move back and forth.
The drummer teddy bear was beating on the drums “I believe in a thing called love. Just listen to the rhythm of my heart. There's a chance we could make it now. We'll be rocking 'til the sun goes down. I believe in a thing called looooove” lowering its head a bit “Ooh!” as its hips would sway back and forth as it was playing the guitar. “I wanna kiss you every minute, every hour, every day.. You got me in a spin but everythin' is A.OK!” gave a quick thumb up. The stage would light up with laser lights moving around, and a disco ball lighting up the lair. “Touching yoooou, touching meeeee touching you, god you're touching meeee” The teddy bear soon would be jumping around and dancing around shaking its hips as it would smile.
 “I believe in a thing called love. Just listen to the rhythm of my heart. There's a chance we could make it now. “ The teddy bear would soon thrust its hips a bit. ”We'll be rocking 'til the sun goes down. I believe in a thing called love……Ooh!...GUITAR!” A teddy bear with a guitar walks over to the edge of the stage,  jam’s out on the guitar as its paws would move around on it quickly.  A strobe light would suddenly go off as they would move around on stage. Moving around as the bear would spin around bobbing its head up and down. Gripping the guitar as it would walk around the stage over to the singing bear, the singer began to air guitar with the guitarist.
As time passed the singer grabbed the microphone, would sing once again “Touching yoooou, touching meeee. touching you, god you're touching meeee AAAAHHH!!” Soon the teddy  bears would clap their paws together, the music stopped for a moment as all the teddy bears on the stage were clapping their paws together. Soon the hips of the teddy bear’s would move around as the music began once again. The teddy bears were moving around the stage, swaying there guitars, and bass as the drums soon continued to play. “I believe in a thing called love. Just listen to the rhythm of my heart. There's a chance we could make it now. We'll be rocking 'til the sun goes down. I believe in a thing called loooove.” Ooh!” the bear soon lowered its head as it would again jam out on the guitar jumping and dancing around. The teddy bears on the stage all were thrusting their hips, and dancing around as the song was coming to an end.

The bag began to shake as the song ended, and began moving all the stage into the bag along with the teddy bears. The stage would collapse with the teddy bears crumbling up into as they were moved into the bag. The teddy bear jumped off stage leaving its guitar, and microphone on stage and the rest of the teddy bears.  Soon walking back to the bag as the last part of the bag was being consumed, the bag closed as the teddy bear would spin around sitting down on the bag. “Well what do you think?” The voice of the teddy bear was calm as it would look around.