
Saturday, November 2, 2013


Just now thinking about it, it came to my brain. Some people never seen snow, never seen the landscape covered in it or felt the wind from it or even ice as it covers the landscape as well. I am sad, for a friend of mine lives in Florida never seen snow.. so close but yet so far.. Another from southern Australia again never seen snow before, but then I have never seen many things either. If I could describe the beauty and the ugliness that is snow/ice I would. Perhaps I will even edit this later when I find the words that best suit it. They say a picture says a thousand words, it may say that many but going out seeing it with your own eyes, feeling the wind blow against you face the smell the noises. All your senses rushing after and before engulfing yourself in it says more words than I can muster. If I could say what the landscape's of ice/snow are I would say only two words 'true beauty.'

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