
Monday, April 10, 2017

Twinkle twinkle in light

The light's don't do you justice, I see you though this midnight mirror, I see the color's you shed. What a brilliant mind you hide away. Your body, the looks you give are an act I can see that. I watch and wait maybe you'll look my way. I see other's jumping to your beak and call but do you really remember them at all? Are they what you want what you really seek. I guess ill just be here alone in the shadow watching not even a whisper. How I want to scream it out but will you hear me? Am I so different what do i lack that they possess to have you look at them with such kindness in your eyes. I guess my time was up before I knew it too late now I blew it. I had a chance to change everything but how did I know you didn't give me the time of day.

Thoughts of what could have been should have been will never been. I never had a chance to be.

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